The Most Effective Technique for Reducing Customer Service Time

Anthony Mipawa
Neurotech Africa
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2022

This article aims to convey the cutting-edge strategies businesses may use to operate more efficiently while yet providing exceptional customer service with minimal to no human effort.

The original work of this article was published in the Neurotech Africa blog post.

What process have you been employing to serve time for your company’s customer service?

That sounds wonderful, okay? Dealing with challenging clients is never enjoyable. But what happens when your favorite customer or even just a person who isn’t being impolite has a grievance to air? You can expect customers of all types to complain to your company at some point, so why not be ready to handle it?

I’ll be providing an excellent technique today that will revolutionize customer service in your company. As a business, responding to consumer inquiries can occasionally be frustrating, especially if done by the same person daily. We rely on a variety of circumstances to be in a good mood, therefore answering the same question repeatedly irritates us.

Now as a company you can address the issue by automating your customer service with chatbots. Instead of using chatbots as a fad, the goal is to enhance customer service, cut expenses, and provide a channel for managing consumer feedback. Now you may be asking how?

According to startupbonsai and Statista reports from 2017, businesses with the finest tactics are improving their sales and revenue by using chatbots.

It’s time to address your inquiries about how this might be used in your business. One of the innovative techniques is to employ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Chatbots.

What is Frequently Asked Questions Chatbots mean?

They are computer programs created to respond to typical inquiries customers make about a good or service. These chatbots are frequently employed in applications for customer support or on websites. They can eliminate labor-intensive chores like answering repeatedly asked queries thanks to their capacity to automate.

The noble truth 50% of customers don’t care if they are speaking with live people or virtual assistants with artificial intelligence. In these highly competitive times, chatbot quality has increased significantly.

These programs can be employed by any business to provide customer support in answering frequently asked questions 24/7 ineffective way, instantly and with curated content, through integration with business socials, websites, and mobile applications depending on the channel that clients are comfortable with.

Businesses are using chatbots more frequently every day, which indicates that they have a lot of potentials and are growing in popularity. Chatbots are now most frequently utilized on social media platforms.

Why are FAQ chatbots potential in nowadays businesses?

Chatbots with FAQs have a lot of advantages. Most importantly, they increase workplace productivity. You have more time to focus on other business objectives and activities like marketing and sales because you spend less time responding to messages.

The following list of advantages should convince you to get a chatbot:-

Operating in Multiple Channels:- The same automation can be deployed across different channels such as social platforms, websites, and mobile apps. Also, it can be supportive of different language’s responses like, users may question may be asked in Swahili or English and respectively replies accordingly.

These can help businesses to outreach their customers across different areas and communicate with them using their native languages.

Reduce operational costs and Increase response rate:- Implementing a fully functional chatbot is much more advantageous and cost-effective than developing a closed platform application or hiring humans for each task, so chatbots can assist your employees with simple, repetitive activities.

Chatbots provide immediate responses to multiple customers at once. No, waiting on consumer questions when the FAQ chatbot is used to address all the repetitious issues that don’t really require human service.

Eliminate human error:- The main advantage chatbots have over people is the fact that they won’t make the same mistakes people do. Only using the details you provide, FAQ chatbots will respond to your inquiries. This means that if the information is accurate, they will relay accurate information to your customers.

Additionally, unless you intentionally make them that way, they cannot be impolite or indecent, this could be a clever marketing ploy. Although they may be hostile, a chatbot will never attack one of your clients.

Seamless Collection of feedback:- However, it is not always simple for firms to encourage clients to complete surveys or feedback forms. Mind you, every business needs feedback because it tells you how satisfied customers are with your goods and services. Implementing chatbot services will help businesses prevent such situations as they’ll have a better feedback loop, improve customer relations, and have better user data.

It’s crucial to speed up customer service response times. When done correctly, it can not only help you increase customer satisfaction and boost the reputation of your business, but it can also increase organizational efficiency.

Final thoughts

Are you prepared to use tremendous automation and AI capabilities to change your client experience?

Both customer retention and the reputation of your business depend on effective customer communication. The efficacy of the chatbot technique differs from company to company. To find the solution that best suits your needs, contact Neurotech after first studying the workflow and performance of your support team. This will make it simple to keep track of customer answers and time.

Interactions with chatbots are more interesting and assist you in developing specific offers for your target market depending on their preferences. Online entrepreneurs can incorporate poll questions into chatbots to collect data without wearing down their clients with a feedback cycle.

Neurotech Africa can help you to develop the entire automation of the FAQ tool for your business, get in touch or with us right away.

