Brain Computer Interfaces in Neurological Rehabilitation

Aneesh Bhardwaj
Published in
7 min readSep 1, 2022

The application of brain computer interfaces in the medical field is essential to efficiently diagnose neurological disorders and establish a basis for rehabilitation

Written By: Aneesh Bhardwaj

Edited By: Anirudh Murugesan and Jack Thomson

Neurotechnology in today’s society has made a major impact on those who have neurological disorders. In our world, we see that technology has its pros and cons, and the advancements made in neurotechnology have largely represented positive progress. With the introduction of the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), scientists are able to be introduced to new and improved machinery that adapt to individual neurological disorders. On a larger spectrum, this leads to an overall positive impact on developing neurorehabilitation with the growth of BCI technology and research transformation.

Historical Background

Over time, scientists wanted to find a way to gather information, tools, and methods to study signal acquisition within the brain. The development of devices to capture brain signaling activities was essential for research purposes, leading to the current technological interest in neurotechnology. Everything started with the discovery of the EEG waves by a man named Hans Berger. He realized that brain signals changed immensely as they went back and forth as a person did a particular activity. The evolution of EEG waves continued as Harvard researchers looked into Berger’s research and performed their own research. In 1970, research on the first invasive BCI started to be collected on the functions of this technology. The connection between the brain and the technology with computers and cursor movements started developing in this phase as well. Scientists during this time began performing experiments and creating prototypes of their newest inventions that help expand this field of neurotechnology to eventually reach what it has today.

Outlining Brain-Computer Interfaces

BCIs were established to directly track the communication and signaling pathways that exist within the brain and its potential disorders. Some examples of prominent brain disorders are Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Stroke, Epilepsy, Alzheimers, Parkinson’s, and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Specifically, MS makes the patients feel so called “pins and needles” in their brain, essentially meaning that it restrains their movement and motor skills. Moreover, this so-called pins and needles reference is a feeling in their brain which sends signals to only one part of the body preventing other movements as a result. Another example is stroke, which disturbs the blood chain that flows to the brain resulting in the loss of brain and motor functions as well. To solve this issue, recent advances in BCI technologies provide patients with the capabilities to control their own movements (Wolpaw). The electroencephalogram (EEG) based system verifies the abnormalities in one’s brain waves, specifically detecting issues regarding brain processing. The principle idea established here is that BCI neurotechnology can be a powerful resource for preventing the malignancy of neurological disorders. This provides these patients with the opportunity to fight their challenges and change their lives.

BCI’s are currently influencing patients’ rehab through restoration of memory, improvement of attention, and cognitive ability (Belkacem). As expected, BCI is most effective in those who are in their 60’s and above, as they are more vulnerable to obtaining a variety of neurological disorders. As of 2017, there are about 962 million people who are ages 60+; as such, applying this BCI system can positively impact this sizable population. As we age, muscle movements and vision are altered and our memory and ability to process information drastically changes. But how do BCIs contribute to this deficit within these patients? Recent studies have shown that BCI technology is useful to elderly people as it allows them to train their cognitive abilities to deal with the physical and mental consequences of aging (Vuckovic).

BCIs and their Economic Implications

The Brain Computer Interface has gathered the attention of investors and innovators increasing their span around the world. Companies such as Neuralink, Neurosky, Emotiv, Kernel, and Paradronics have built multiple products such as the N1-link chip and Neuralink Software, UltraCortex “Mark IV” Headset, Nextmind Dev Kit, and the Emotiv Pro CI signaling Software. BCIs has its different applications, from the creation of neuroprosthetics for the disabled, to the developing of software for new advances in computational engineering within the brain. Companies such as Neuralink, created by Elon Musk, strive to create the unthinkable to do unimaginable tasks. Neuralink has helped those with Spinal Brain injuries and ALS by creating implants that allow patients to control a computer cursor and navigate through billions of electrical signals running back and forth. With more research being done in this field, the markets and production of neurotechnologies such as these have taken the world by storm. For instance, the company Kickstarter has funded the development of the UltraCortex headset reaching nearly $200,000. This is just the beginning.

There are varieties of consumers for these products ranging from patients, doctors, hospitals and other research agencies like National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (NCAN) and the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO). U.S government agencies such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Research lab, and the Air force Research lab heavily fund research for BCIs to improve the physical and cognitive functions of their personnel. BCIs can provide several medical benefits for military personnel and civilians ( For example, BCI’s can create a national security game to explore different combat scenarios potentially altering certain military tactics.

While this technology enhances quality of life, the benefits come with a cost. According to BioMed Central, medical BCI technology turns humans into human cyborgs. Some of these implications start at the infancy stage. This technology takes neurological information from people, gets inputted into a computer software, and makes the person perform certain actions motivated by the computer’s functions. As a human’s brain develops till the age of 25, this process of tracking brain development from day one can have a large impact on the person themselves and how they adapt to their surroundings. The larger issue regarding BCI technology is that there are no legal regulations pertaining to their involvement. Due to the lack of regulations, privacy has been stolen, and information has been corrupted. Furthermore, BCIs are not entirely developed to the point where they can selectively capture certain motions and movements. For example, if BCI is used to detect and regulate speech, there is a possibility of it capturing information in a different part of the brain not related to speech and capturing those functions. Taking this into account, BCI has pros and cons that impact its functions. More pros of the BCI technology are that they produce the highest quality signals, allow paralyzed patients to control prosthetic limbs, and allow for the transmission of visual images to visually impaired people. However, on the contrary, BCI technology can cause cognitive and communication impairment, motivate identity disruption, and promote group vulnerability.

Looking Towards the Future

Overall, BCI has its pros and cons, but has helped more people than it has harmed. The principles of BCI applications have branched out into different fields of neurology that affect families and friends. Generally, BCI is favored in the translation of neural signals into commands in applications such as the creation of robotic arms. As years progress, BCI continues to improve its applications in different areas of the brain. With daily activities becoming more cooperative and general communication becoming more advanced, BCI research continues its work on identifying new developments of a human’s actions and change in habits. The emphasis on BCI technology has been needed more than ever as neurological rehabilitation focuses on those who have illnesses that are becoming more prevalent. If more people research and reach out into this upcoming future of technology, we will be able to contribute to saving millions of lives from the most dangerous health conditions.

Works Cited

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