Yatsugatake Kogen Lodge, Nagano

How was this year?

I can not answer this question rightly, so I list my best products up in 2016

Yasuo Takeuchi
Neutral Introspection
3 min readDec 30, 2016


I now escape to Yatsugatake from Tokyo crowds, and think back all through this year. However it’s too difficult for me to wrap them up to beautiful words, so I decided to write about my favorite products in this year.

Chia Seeds

I knew recent years Chia seeds got famous as healthy and nutritious foods, but I’m not interested in it so much. But one day, I found it at the supermarket, Niku-no-Hanamasa, and bought it and after that, especially during summer, I put chia seeds into grapefruit juice every day, and enjoyed it’s texture very much!

Hip bag

The Hip bag was my favorite list last year, but I found the same bag again in the same category, and it’s much lighter than I used. I bring my Macbook Air in it always. After using the hip bag, my shoulder ache drastically decrease.

I thought twice to buy it because I had almost the same bag, but to buying new lighter one was a good choice for me.

Bianchi City Cycle

Strictly speaking, I bought this bicycle at the end of last year in place of a broken one. This was the first time to buy such an famous brand bike, but I found it on the YAFUOKU, auction site. It’s quite comfortable to ride everyday.

Seeds leaves

The price of vegetables were getting high this year, but my favorite grocery store, “My Basket”, kindly supply good ones! After you cut leaves out from these roots for eating, it can reproduce leaves again for just one week. It’s good not only for eating but for interiors!

Seedless Grapes

I can’t remember how much I ate this seedless grapes through this year. It’s because of “My Basket”, too.

Glico Power Production Citric Acid and BCAA

It’s not for me, but for my wife. This product was recommended by the book LIFE PACKING 2.1 by Tsuyoshi Takashiro, and I bought it from curiosity. I had no chance to feel this effect this year but my wife said this is amazing for recovery after working.

ZARA Outer Coat

Sometimes, Ladies ZARA’s products fits me well. This winter I luckily found this one.

Compartment of TOBU Specia

I went to Kinugawa-Onsen with my family, this autumn, then my mother reserved this compartment. Did you know that there are compartment room in trains? I didn’t know that and it’s not so expensive and so comfortable for small groups that I wonder why there’s no other compartment in Japanese trains.

Saint Marc Cafe, Mejiro

After closing McDonald in Mejiro, which I often use, finally alternative cafe opened this autumn. When closing Mcdonald, I was so disappointed because this store had comfortable interiors with cheap price. However new cafe is getting better!

World Gift

It’s difficult to recycle used clothes, old textiles, dishes etc. But this service can be good for recycle by paying a reasonable price.

Electric Blanket

I never used electric blanket ever but my wife started to use this since last year. I’m not interested in it. One shivering cold night, I try it before she went to sleep. After that, I bought the same one.

Notes from the Universe daily reminder

I started subscribed this mail magazine this year for practicing to read English. I sometimes skipped to read ones, but I often found the good words from this.

…I had much more good and new things in 2016, but it endlessly continues, so I stop to write :)



Yasuo Takeuchi
Neutral Introspection

1972.4.14, INFP, love movie, music, cafe, travel, jogging, architecture, photo, mystery, cycling, muji, uniqlo, William Morris, Paul Weller and Woody Allen