Neutrino pool weekly draw on Vote and Win!

Neutrino Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2021

To support our voters on, we decided to introduce a weekly draw for the USDN pool voting. Anyone who votes for a USDN pool with veCRV tokens in the gauge weight voting will participate in a lottery with 1,000 WAVES prize every week. And the weekly winners will compete for a Lambo Jackpot!

Check out a pool voting on You can vote for gauge weight with your veCRV tokens (locked CRV tokens in Locker). Gauge weights are used to determine how much CRV each pool gets. This time we have decided to giveaway money prizes to Neutrino voters every week and give a Lambo jackpot to one of the weekly winners at the end of the next year. Every veCRV locked as a vote for USDN pool will get one “lottery ticket” in the giveaway. The more veCRV locked for the USDN pool the higher the chance of winning.

Step by step guide

1. Go to

2. Connect your wallet

3. Vote for USDN pool or with your veCRV tokens

4. Become a winner of a weekly draw!

How the winner is determined

The snapshot is made with the last block before 23:59:59 (UTC) every Wednesday and the list of participants is determined. The number of the participant’s mentions on the list corresponds to the number of veCRV locked for the USDN pool by a participant. One winner for each list will be chosen using Chainlink VRF — a provably fair and verifiable source of randomness designed for smart contracts. The winning addresses will be stored on the smart contract. All computational data is recorded on the blockchain, which guarantees the transparency of the count. Check out our previous lottery results in this article.

The winners’ addresses will be published on the official Twitter and other Neutrino Protocol channels every Thursday. The address can win multiple times.

The jackpot winner will be determined with the same mechanics, and the snapshot will be made on October 19, 2022.

Those who voted for the USDN pool before October 21 are on the first list of participants and the winning address is:


Check out the results following that link.

Next time you can be the winner! Vote for our pool on and don’t miss out a chance to win a JACKPOT. Good luck!



Neutrino Protocol

A multi-assetization protocol acting as an interchain toolkit for frictionless DeFi. Powered by Waves.