You can stop lying to your doctor now

Lorand R. Minyo
Neveli Cares
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2015
Dr. House

It’s no secret that I believe doctors today are less prepared than their counterparts from a few generations ago to deal with the ever-increasing breadth of false medical information, anti-vaccination movements, and self-proclaimed healthcare experts. It’s no wonder that many doctors have simply stopped caring that patients constantly lie to them.

And they do lie, a lot — 77% percent of doctors say that one fourth of their patients have lied or omitted facts:

Common lies include everything from diet and exercise regimens to medication adherence, sexual histories, and taking alternative medicines.

Some patients lie out of embarrassment or fear of disappointing a doctor. Others worry about electronic medical records or information being communicated to employers, insurance companies or the authorities.

Doctors say omitting important information or lying can lead to the wrong treatment, medicine or even diagnosis.

But most importantly, you’re seriously setting yourself up for failure when you start lying to yourself:

In some cases patients are lying to themselves. They want to project to their doctor the image they want for themselves. “Sure, I’m watching what I eat, Doc. Yes, I exercise regularly.”

Maureen Mack is guilty of that. The 42-year-old tells doctors she exercises three times a week, 30 minutes each time. Reality is more like once or twice a week for 15 minutes.

And even though many doctors have stopped caring, there are quite a lot of them that want to be able to do more for their patients and help them help themselves. And we want to empower doctors to do just that. So here’s one of our first contributions to global healthcare:

We’re going to help you stop lying to your doctor.

How? By simply taking off the burden of the conversation. Your doctor will no longer ask you if you exercise enough, how well you sleep or eat. Because she will know — and there’s no gain in giving you the opportunity to bend the truth. We want to give you peace of mind, not more stress.

And in the process we’ll also help you live a longer, healthier life. And we’ll do this using a really simple to understand health indicator. At any given time you can check it at a glance — just like you check time — and see if you’re doing well or not. And your doctor will be able to check this indicator as well and help you improve it on the fly.

Your body will talk to your doctor through Neveli. No more awkward conversations, no more hidden facts. No more dangerous lies.

Neveli is the connected healthcare platform that gives you instant glances into your health and allows your body to talk to your doctor so you can be better taken care of. Sign-up for early access here.



Lorand R. Minyo
Neveli Cares

Technology executive, philanthropist. Designing the future of #energy, #education, #health, #food, and #security. Founder and Chairman of The Neveli Foundation