The Unruly Kids Behind My Eyelids

A poetic answer to the writer’s most nagging question

Bill DuBay Jr.
Never Feed Him After Midnight
2 min readNov 30, 2020


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When you ask where my ideas come from be sure,
That you’re ready to go on the grand tour,
Get ready for a wild ride,
As I take you deep inside,
My mind where all my ideas are far from mature.

Here you’ll see some truly startling sights,
And learn my characters control all my rewrites,
“We know what’s best,”
My heroes expressed,
They always get their way in all of our fights.

I might start out with a detailed grand design,
Or okay, maybe just a title and tagline,
But they always take the reins,
Like little brain hurricanes,
It’s their story and my job is only to refine.

Those little pests are like unruly kids,
Wreaking all kinds of mischief behind my eyelids,
But I love them despite,
Their antics and rewrites,
But please tell me how to manage these insistent hooligans.



Bill DuBay Jr.
Never Feed Him After Midnight

Bill is the author of "The Deadhead Wizard", which Kirkus Reviews calls "A delight for readers who grew up in the 80s or with a twisted taste in adventure..."