Sennan Beach John Doe (Case 20–007104)

The Suitcase Detective
Never Quit Looking
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023

Unidentified male was found on the beach but has not been identified in more than three years.

Nickname: John Doe, Unidentified
Alternative Name: Unknown

La Apoda: John Doe, Persona no identificada
Nombres alternativos: Desconocido

The Disappearance (La Desaparición)

Recovered from: Sennen Beach, Penzance, West Cornwall, United Kingdom
Date Recovered: September 24, 2020 (Thursday)
Suspect: Unknown

Falta de: Playa Sennen, Oeste de Cornualles, Reino Unido
Fecha de Descubrimiento: 24 de septiembre de 2020 (jueves)
Sospechoso: Desconocido

Circumstances (Circunstancias)

The Coroner’s Image may be distressing as it depicts a deceased person. It is not suitable for persons under the age of 18.

John Doe’s body was recovered from a heavy surf on the beach by someone passing by. It is believed he died the same day.

Description (Descripción)

  • Date of Birth:
  • Age: 50s
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Nationality:
  • Gender at Birth: Male
  • Hair: Black Hair, Greying
  • Eye Color: Unknown
  • Height: 5'2" (188 cm)
  • Weight: Thin or Slender
  • Languages Spoken: Unknown
  • Fecha de Nacimiento:
  • Años: 50s
  • Etnia: Asiático
  • Nacionalidad:
  • Sexo al nacer: Masculino
  • Pelo: El pelo negro se vuelve gris
  • Color de los ojos: Desconocido
  • Altura: 5'2" (188 cm)
  • Peso: Delgado
  • Idiomas: Desconocido

Distinguishing Features (Características Distintivas)

  • Unshaven, had stubble
  • Sin afeitar, tenía algo de barba

Medical Concerns (Atención Médica)

  • Unknown
  • Desconocido

Suspects (Sospechoso)

  • Unknown
  • Desconocido

Clothing (Ropa)

  • Unknown
  • Desconocido

Vehicle (Vehículo)

  • Unknown
  • Desconocido

If You or Anyone You Know Has Information About The Disappearances, Please Contact:

UK Missing Persons Crime Unit (Case # 20–007104)

Your Nearest United Kingdom Embassy

Your National Police

Or use the QR Code (below) to find contact information for various National Police Agencies

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The Suitcase Detective
Never Quit Looking

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