Write for NQL

Submit an article for publication with “Never Quit Looking” and reach a global audience.

The Suitcase Detective
Never Quit Looking
4 min readOct 12, 2022


Welcome to Never Quit Looking,

At NQL, we believe resolving cases requires the rapid and comprehensive sharing of information, photos, and identifying features to a maximized audience. This necessitates greater integration of and more streamlined investigation practices.

Never Quit Looking is a global database of missing persons, unidentified remains, and unsolved homicides. Case files are predominantly compiled from government websites, national databases, personal websites dedicated to missing persons, and social media.

The purpose of “Never Quit Looking” is to provide a standardized, comprehensive, searchable platform for families, law enforcement, government agencies, and NGOs to research and share cases that remain unresolved domestically for 6 months or more to a global audience.

Managing NQL is a full-time job and we always appreciate the contribution of new articles and cases for this publication. Fill out the form above and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours (not including weekends).

What You Receive:

  1. Your article will be shared on the Never Quit Looking publication to our global audience.
  2. We will promote your article across our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Naver, Weibo, Instagram, LinkedIn, MeWe, Pinterest, etc.). We have an audience of 4,000+ followers and average 30,000+ views monthly.
  3. You are welcome to utilize the Medium partner program in order to earn money from your work.
  4. We do not require a lot of text, which means your article can be published even if it is primarily just a missing person’s notice.

What We Need from You:

  1. Share your article with us (Instructions). Both drafts and previously published articles are accepted. Just, remember that an article can only be linked to one publication at a time.
  2. If featuring one or more missing or unidentified persons, fill out the form to create a case record on the individual for the NQL database. If they are already listed on the database, please notify us of any new details that need updated or incorporated.
  3. We will review your submission and ensure it aligns with our purpose and rules. Articles are published at our discretion. We try to review them as quickly as possible (within 48 hours right now).

Basic Instructions:

  1. Read our Mission and Vision Statements — Make sure you understand and agree with them before opting to publish with us.
  2. Read our Terms & Privacy Policy. Only continue once you agree with what is laid out in those documents.
  3. Your article should be tagged with one or more of the following: “Missing Persons”, “Unidentified Doe”, or “Unsolved Murder.”
  4. Be careful to include all of the required elements for a Medium Article: Title, Subtitle, Tags, SEO Title, SEO description, Images, Text.
  5. Your article should include a image “700 x 400” at the top below the Title and Subtitle. The image should include the victims’ name, the country where they disappeared or were found, and the year.
  6. Your article should include a “References” section that lists neatly all sources you used in your research. Images should also include a citation listing the source.
  7. Cases should be unsolved for 6 months or more.
  8. Cases must be monitored for updates which are added to the article as soon as possible.
  9. If you are going to post about a case that was already covered, please ensure you are contributing significant new material.
  10. We do not allow Parental Abduction cases for legal reasons.

Details to Include:

At a minimum, try to include all and any information or images available related to:

  1. Description of the Victim: (DoB, Age, Ethnicity, Nationality, Gender at Birth, Hair Color, Eye Color, Shoe Size, Build, Weight, Height, Languages Spoken, Distinguishing Features, Tattoos, Medical Conditions, Physical Abnormalities, Scars or other Marks, etc.)
  2. Description of Related Identifiers: Clothing, Jewelry, Possessions, Vehicles, etc.
  3. Police Contact Information: Who should readers contact if they have information. Do NOT include the contact information for an private individual or family member. We only publish the contact details for the police or an authorized NGO (e.g., CrimeStoppers, Interpol).
  4. Circumstances of the case: Dates, Locations, Setting — the old Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
  5. Link to the Official Notice (police, NGO, newspaper — something reliable)

Do not make claims that are not verifiable by the police or a reliable source. This includes naming people you believe should be suspects but who have not been formally identified as such by the police. Remember to adhere to the terms & conditions and avoid doxing individuals or providing suppositions without clearly marking such information as your personal opinion.

General Notes:

  1. You are not required to use them, but if you want. . . our color scheme is Dark Blue (#012840), Green (#089662), Medium Blue (#0071a1), and Light Blue (#47BBED).
  2. If you want to make an image, Canva is an excellent free website.
  3. If we receive a report that your work is plagiarizing someone, you will be removed and forbidden to post with us again. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, we and/or the original author reserve the right to issue a complaint with Medium and the original author maintains all legal rights.
  4. Although articles are published with the best of intentions, there are times when the individual involved, the family, or legal authorities may ask us to remove an article. We will comply with those requests.



The Suitcase Detective
Never Quit Looking

🔪📸👁‍🗨~ Fact or Fiction, the Truth Comes Out. We bring the mystery — you bring the answers. > TheSuitcaseDetective.com