UI Update

Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2015


— D.E.V.OTAS (Designing and Engineering Venture Team at OTAS)

At OTAS, we always try to enhance user experience in our web / mobile properties. Last week was really busy and exciting for us. We made some major changes in the back-end like changing our inquiry system, the automated reply server and implementing Heap Analytics. We have also tweaked the mobile interface to fit well in your hand.

In the recent weeks, we have actively contributed in the open-source Caldera Forms by Caldera WP team. Our new inquiry system is using an optimized version of Caldera Forms engine. Based on the Bootstrap3 framework, it works nice on both mobile and desktop display. In addition to floating Availability Check forms in each property page, we have introduced a front-page direct inquiry form and a more enhanced form for custom tour plans (we call them routes).

Next, as the user-interaction data is becoming aggressively important in the mobile dominated user base, we have implemented Heap Analytics to capture and analyze user behavior. They are really a nice company to work with.

Lastly, mobile, mobile and mobile. In the last month, mobile users have surpassed the number desktop users in our web-traffic. We are making all our site more adaptive to small screen size. Any small UI change there has a tremendous effect (both good or bad) on user behavior. So, if something seems to be broken, please send us an email at ask@ontrip.in.

