The Unknown is the Most Beautiful Place

How will you find what you’re capable of if you don’t go exploring for it?

Jake Nickell
Never Stop Making


The comfort zone is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk. – Wikipedia

That doesn’t sound like a very fun place to me. Where do you learn and grow when you’re in your comfort zone? I don’t think you do. Things could get weird and scary when you step outside of it... you may not know what’s going to happen! Oh no! But without going there you’re putting a barrier right there in front of your own self, effectively cutting off your own potential in the name of comfort.

The Unknown is such a great place to push into, to constantly be forcing yourself to attack a new challenge head on. It’s how you find a new skill. It’s how you stumble upon an innovative idea. It’s how you push yourself to the next level. It’s how you make your own luck.

When something lands on your plate and you don’t know how to do it, it’s so easy to just pass or say you can’t. These are the best opportunities you could ask for to learn something new. Step out of your comfort zone, dive in, figure it out, and learn something new along the way.




Jake Nickell
Never Stop Making

I've been making websites since 1995. In November of 2000 my life spiraled into crazy-rad-town when I made