5 signs that you suffer from “rushing woman” syndrome

Life is too short to live with intensity

Never Stop Writing
4 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

The “rushing woman” syndrome is a behavior typical of the modern world, in which women no longer give themselves the time and attention they need.

The rushing woman syndrome is not (yet) a syndrome that you can read about in books or psychology textbooks, but it is a behavior that you can observe, more and more often, in the women in your life: whether it is about your mother, your best friend, your colleague from work or even… about your person.

Yes, I felt it on my skin both during my master’s degree and when I was looking for a job or buying my own home. Practically, this behavior is “beside” me in every important stage of my life and tells me that I am not where I should be. However, I am aware of it and I am making efforts to evolve.

Here are 5 signs that you too are affected by this behavior typical of modern life:

Are you afraid to say “no”

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

You don’t set healthy boundaries and you don’t take care of your mental health. You always prefer to leave it to yourself and not bother anyone. You are afraid to say a simple “No, thank you”, because you feel that you are disappointing those around you, whether it is a new project to get involved in, a new responsibility at work, or a simple invitation to dinner. You wake up feeling exhausted, that all you want is to have time for yourself and yet you always say “yes” in situations that are not to your liking.

You do everything alone

Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

You are afraid to ask for help and you want to show that you can do everything by yourself. As important as independence is, it’s time to realize that you are not less powerful if you delegate certain tasks or ask a loved one in your life for a helping hand. On the contrary, you learn what the really important tasks are and focus your energy on what matters, so that you become a better person, both in your professional and personal life.

You impose strict deadlines, even where there are none

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Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the idea of being as focused as possible on your goals. However, you must know how to give yourself a moment of relaxation. It is not advisable to feel every moment of your life in a fight against the clock.

No matter how often it is said that “Life is short”, I am here to tell you that you have time for everything. Things come gradually, you evolve and life becomes beautiful. All you have to do is be patient, give yourself time, and trust your strength. Enjoy this beautiful journey and don’t just try to reach the “destination”.

You face insomnia

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

You are always on the alert, you are in a hurry and you don’t take time for yourself. These things prevent you from resting and even sleeping when it’s time to sleep. Even if you have a busy day at the office, you suffer from insomnia. Things are so bad that you can only sleep with pills.

Maybe this is the moment when you have to take a step back and analyze your life. Are you heading in the right direction or are you just getting tired? Do you take care of yourself and your mental health or are you just trying to show that you “can”?

You take refuge in food or, on the contrary, you completely forget about it

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

When you have a typical “rushing woman” behavior, you don’t give yourself time for the things you love. It could be that your only “escape” is represented by food and, in particular, by sweets. You feel that these are the ones that “feed” you and give you the necessary strength. However, all you are doing is fighting extra pounds and hormonal imbalances.

On the opposite pole, it can happen that you completely forget to eat, precisely because you have other “urgent” things to do. You don’t give your body the nutrients it needs and you don’t take care of your health.

Do you suffer from this syndrome or do you find yourself in these symptoms?

