Doing Dirty Work to Do Your Passion Work — Is It Worth It?

When real-life necessities push you to the edge, what do you do?

Sheamus Aaren
Never Stop Writing


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I am reaching out to those with more experience who have found a way to do what they love — or perhaps some of you have taken on side gigs to support yourselves while pursuing your passions.

I want to know that I am not alone in this journey. I wish my personal growth and mind-opening realization had come earlier, not at 25. It feels challenging to navigate such an intense timeline, especially with so many expectations and peers already making the ‘big’ money.

Breaking down at the thought of labour work?

Yes, of course, a breakdown happens when I focus on three things at the same time; moving out, finances, and future career. I’m not saying this is life or death, but it’s enough to make me suffer if I don’t make it, hence the breakdown.

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I didn’t grow up doing dirty work. I was pampered and taken to school by a driver like a little prince. The thought of having to do dirty labour (again) stressed me out so much that I had multiple breakdowns.



Sheamus Aaren
Never Stop Writing

Game concept artist-writer. Ex- carwasher & waiter. Half breed. Can be funny sometimes. Passionate about solving problems in self-development & storytelling