Expectations from Women

The Secret to a Balanced Relationship

Never Stop Writing
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Photo by Charnee May on Unsplash

It’s easy to be a young lady, with your head in the clouds, enjoying life without major responsibilities. Then a “he” appears, and with him come more expectations and demands. I think you understand where I’m going with this: couple, family, and the well-prepared start of certain strains. I’ve faced, and sometimes still face, all sorts of emotional states and volcanic eruptions, but the secret is very simple and involves both partners.

Most often, I hear women complaining that men make them girlfriends, then wives, and mothers, burden them with a multitude of duties, such as housekeeper, therapist, nurse, vocational consultant, accountant, business partner, and many other roles, while gradually ignoring the sexual and intimate part that we need the most. Why is that? And then you act shocked that you haven’t had fantasies in ages?! Dear men, lift some of the burdens, roles, and responsibilities from your partner’s shoulders, and you’ll discover a great Goddess in the woman beside you. Yes, that’s the secret: help your partner, the one you chose willingly and without coercion. Or isn’t that so?

Yes, we all have expectations from our partners; it wouldn’t be fair to point fingers at one or the other. What’s certain is that women face a surplus of expectations when children come along, and no one can deny that, even if fathers do their part. I’ve been convinced of this through my own experience. And if you want to keep the partner you chose for your soul, it’s necessary to share the responsibilities equally so that her femininity remains fresh, so she welcomes you with joy and less fatigue, so she is warm in her looks and gestures and not running around all day. Surely, you want the relationship to be like at the beginning: the fire, the attraction, the connection, and the passion? Create it through your masculine energy and determination, make things happen so your woman can disconnect from daily worries, and feel feminine, and appreciated. Be inventive.

I want to believe that a real man is aware of his role in a relationship, of sharing obligations, of effective communication, of the connection between two people, and that he never lets his woman carry all the burdens at home. Try to remember the purpose of your union, the choices made for each other, not against each other, and think about why you decided to stay together. Surely, the expectations of one won’t prevail over the other.

These affirmations can shorten your thinking process and prevent wrong choices in the future, both for us as women and for men. A fulfilling relationship doesn’t fall from the sky; it’s built and strengthened daily through our gestures of love and affection. Let’s remember what a woman does and what a man does. This will save our relationship and marriage. And let’s not have expectations; contribute to each other, and make the relationship a place of peace, not an arena for tasks.

