
How To Regain Your Day When You Wake Up Feeling Unmotivated

Felt like not doing anything today?

Never Stop Writing


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I understand that you might not wake up feeling motivated everyday.

And on days like this it’s easier for you to start the day playing The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

You crawl back into your blanket after murmuring the song for a few seconds, instantly canceling that day.

You are already enjoying your rest and Netflix-ing when you remember that you have an uncompleted task from yesterday.

Photo by Cristi Ursea on Unsplash

But who cares about the task when you’re watching your favorite show, “Love is Blind”?

The thought that your next meal depends on finishing that task won’t let you enjoy your movie in peace.

You have spent two hours watching motivational speaker, and yet you haven’t figured it out.

Thinking of going back to Netflix, you don’t have to.

Do these instead:

  • Stop all activities and be calm for a few minutes: This will help you put every distraction on hold.
  • Think about the feeling you will get from having your next meal: The feeling will help you get into action. Beyond the fact that finishing your task will put food on your table, the feeling is what will keep you happy for as long as you choose to be.
  • Speak yourself into doing your task: Tell yourself you can do it, and don’t let anything hold you back.
  • Get in action: This is the final stage. Once you get into action, you’ll be surprised at how fast you’ll complete your task and finish your Netflix if need be.

That’s a Win-Win situation right there.😍🤗

Now, go and get your task done and regain your day

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Never Stop Writing

Digital Content Writer/Social Media Manager/Storyteller