I Will Continue To Clap For Others Until It Reaches My Turn.

Never Stop Writing
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2024

But What If I Get Tired Of Clapping?

a man clapping for people in the performing
Image generated by the author using DALL. E 3 (Prompt: A man clapping for performers)

I’ve always believed in celebrating others’ successes.

It’s a beautiful thing to uplift those around us.

It’s a good thing no doubt,

But again, It’s also our human nature to get jealous of others, right?

On one hand, there’s the satisfaction of uplifting others,

but on the other, a persistent ache for recognition.

An ache for reciprocity.

Lately, I’ve kept asking myself,

When is it ever going to be my turn?

When will others clap for me?

Am I The New Cheerleader?

That never gets to play in the field.

Because my hands are turning red and my wrists are beginning to ache.

On Social Media, It works better.

Am not talking about the part where everyone seems to be living their best life.

Where you get bombarded with images of success stories, making it easy to compare your behind-the-scenes struggles to others’ polished facades. Constantly reminding you of where you are and where you aspire to be.

What I mean is,

When you celebrate others on social media, they in turn support and encourage you.

It also becomes a way of networking which can also bring positive results.

But in real-time, I’ve had like 5 times in my life where I celebrated my supposed-to-be friends and when the opportunity came that I could swing in, I got passed by.

Perhaps it’s time to redefine success.

Maybe it’s not solely about external validation, but also about personal growth and fulfillment.

While it’s essential to celebrate others, it’s equally important to acknowledge our aspirations. It’s time to step out of the shadows and claim our space.

Let’s redefine success on our terms, without feeling guilty for wanting our turn in the spotlight.

Feels good to rant sometimes right?

I hope you all don’t mind me ranting here.

Has anyone else felt this way?

How do you balance supporting others even when they show you no support?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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Thanks for Reading 📚



Never Stop Writing

I enjoy sharing my journey on podcasting, job search, mental health, and Autism. Trying every day to be a better Writer.