I’d Rather Comment and Read Instead of…

Now how do I write on Medium?

Never Stop Writing
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Now, I need to examine my strange behaviour.

I am strange.

But not in a creepy way!

But some of you may possess my strange ways!

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

You see, I prefer to comment on stories.

I would much more prefer to comment than I would to write a story.

I enjoy reading others’ work and then leaving my stamp on it with a comment, highlights, and claps.

Comments for me would be good enough.

It is the same with football. I used to like playing. I’d be the first one on the pitch.

But now I much prefer to comment with friends on WhatsApp. I like it more than playing it.

I remember the time when I broke my nose playing football; I wrote about it here.

I did not want to leave the pitch. My face felt like it was on fire, my eyes were almost closed shut with the swelling, but I just wanted to stay on.

But now that thrill has left me. I much prefer to send messages or voice mails and comment on the match as it happens.

So, while I do not mind writing and I am improving each day, I still prefer the reading aspect.

Would it not be great if Medium paid readers!!

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

I do spend more time reading than writing, and that is a good thing for me as I prefer the reading and commenting.

I did not think that I would be like this. I have surprised myself.

I think it is not strange, but just my preferences. I am sure there are other people out there that prefer to read and comment, rather than write their own story.

But writing has helped me think. I have learned a lot from my research on certain topics.

So for all those who read and comment only, and do not write, I can totally understand why.

But for now I will continue to write, read , comment , highlight and engage!

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My name is Laro and here is an insight into me:

5] If you could study cooking (all expenses paid), would it be at a cooking school in its country of origin or with a private chef in your kitchen?

I would like to study cooking in Asia, I can’t narrow it down because I love most of the food from this region.

It would not be from a chef in a restaurant it would be in someone’s mum’s house as this is where you will get authentic dishes that I can enjoy, instead of the dishes made for the crowd like Chop suey, which is a dish that originated in

Chinese-American cuisine but is not commonly found in China.

6] You wake up a superhero. Do you prefer incredible strength or invisibility?

I need to have the Strength as I need to be able to carry the shopping when I get old 😂😂. No, seriously so I can help the needy and right all the wrongs. Whatever!

Well that is all you get for now. Or you can read the full me here.



Never Stop Writing

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.