My 9–5 Job Vs Writing on Medium

This is What I Decide

James D Kidiga
Never Stop Writing
2 min readMay 1, 2024


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I hope you are doing well and enjoying the moment, at home, work, or elsewhere.

I am here again to share a bit about my full-time job and how it goes, as well as about writing here on Medium.

As stated in one of my previous articles, I have been a full-time government servant for 10 years now. I am a teacher here in Tanzania.

And in late 2023, I emerged as the only teacher from Tanzania to become among the best 50 teachers from over 7000 applications across the World.

For that, I’m still humbled and excited for the recognition because it shows how I bring a positive impact in the education sector every day.

However, besides teaching in the classroom, I also engage in other volunteering activities in the community for sustainable development.

What about writing on Medium!? Yes, I joined, and I have been meeting amazing writers here. I learn and improve my skills too.

I have seen others having plans to leave their 9-5 jobs to engage in other hustles of their interest, like they need to be their own bosses, etc.

Nevertheless, others are deciding to quit their normal jobs in order to stick fully on Medium because they enjoy it and they generate income.

What about me?!
For the time being, I'm not planning to quit my full-time job yet. This is because I find myself having enough time to attend to my responsibilities as a teacher, and I also have enough time for Medium.

Therefore, while appreciating others who make their lifetime decisions, I'm continuing with my full-time job, and it's okay with me.

I also explained before about generating my first ebook from Medium posts, that plan is still on and I will implement it this year.

Thank you for reading, and let me know your opinions in the comments



James D Kidiga
Never Stop Writing

An education professional and digital lad striving toward Career Growth, Innovation, Digital Literacy, Leadership, and Personal Development.