My October Stats and Earnings Report
41 Stories in 31 Days, 997 reads, 1.9k views and how many $$$?
I see-saw between completely falling off the Medium wagon and posting an article every day. There is so much information overload, I don’t feel very right in adding to it, and there should be a POINT to articles, shouldn’t there?
The month of alt-text
I tried to keep articles short and snappy, and add alt-text. All the stories on this top 10 list this month are Alt-text added stories.
My stories had 997 reads this month. That means that each story – I wrote a whopping 41 of them – was read 24 times. So, according to earning capacity, here are the articles in (more or less) reverse order.
The stories that made around $4
9. Does Illumination Improve Performance was deliberately titled that way to make people wonder if I meant Illumination, the pub on Medium. Does lighting, illumination, improve performance, is the question the article answers. It was published in Never Stop Writing.