
Could you do it and maintain it?

Madara Greer Sr.
Never Stop Writing


Created using the AI app from the PlayStore CreArt.

Not so long ago, my family of five was forced to live electric-free for a large amount of time.

The day the power was turned off. I had been stressing to the point of panic. Worried about how I would keep an active household maintained. When the dreaded day finally arrived, I felt like the end of the world was here.

Living in the modern-day USA and not having power in the home, has been experienced by more families every day. And I can tell you it is not the end.

We were lucky in that we had a small generator we could start up for meals and in the evening for a couple of fans to keep us cool during the hot humid Missouri summers.

But the generator used gas and we were trying to save money to pay an $1800 bill.

With the cost of gas and the noise torturing our neighbors, we tried to use the generator as little as possible.

The struggles I faced to keep the children occupied, healthy, and clean would become second nature. Everyone understood the homework needed to be completed before sunset.

We bought a large metal horse troth to fill with water every morning and leave it out in the hot sun for bathwater.



Madara Greer Sr.
Never Stop Writing

Hey! Can you please give me some responses? I'm practically begging here. Just a hey, why, or shut up and leave me alone. Just a morsel of interaction.