
What is Medium’s Love Language?

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Never Stop Writing


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

I started writing on Medium one month ago today, and if anyone approach me and say do you know what Medium’s love language is, It won’t take me less than a minutes to mention them.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Just the same way it is okay for humans to have more than one love language, it is okay to experience this on Medium too.

Here are the love languages I have observed:

  • Quality Time: Medium loves quality time when you spend time reading other writers’ articles.
  • Acts of Service: Medium thrives on acts of service. It doesn’t just want you to read other people’s articles and disappear; it also wants you to serve them by engaging with their articles through clapping, highlighting, and dropping personalized comments.
  • Gifts: Medium shows its love through its writers, who selflessly give advice and tips.
  • Words of Affirmation: Medium’s writers give genuine comments when your story resonates with them.
  • Physical Touch: The clap symbolizes physical touch on Medium.

I have experienced all 5 love languages since I started being intentional here on Medium.

What have your experiences been, and when did you start writing on Medium?




Never Stop Writing

Digital Content Writer/Social Media Manager/Storyteller