Why are people always in a rush?

Annoying things people do

Jovita Allen
Never Stop Writing
4 min read5 days ago


Photo by Alvin Cabaltera on Unsplash

Something funny happened one time I was traveling. It’s something people do often, but this time around, it was so obvious that I couldn’t help but wonder.

I was traveling to see my parents. It was only an hour’s flight. Everyone was waiting patiently to land. I was looking out the window and enjoying the last view just before we hit the runway.

The plane landed but was still taxing on the runway. A certain middle-aged man in the middle row stood up suddenly and made for the door. An air hostess tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. She tried harder to persuade him to sit, but this man would not.

Initially, some other passengers stood up with him but sat back down after the air hostess intervened. We were all watching what was happening. Other passengers urged him to sit, but he refused. I remember him saying he was in a hurry.

People in the front rows remained seated while someone far behind them was rushing off.

Well, this man stubbornly refused to sit and wait. He stood there. Once the door opened, he was the first to dash out. You’d think he was hurrying off somewhere important. We all still met him at the baggage claim.

His luggage also didn’t make it out in time, and I don’t think he was even among the first twenty to leave. So why was he hurrying in the first place? I’d never understand.

Where people exhibit similar impatient behavior

Grocery shops

If you’ve ever spotted someone in a rush while at a grocery store, you’ll notice some things. They’re either rushing through the aisle or grabbing items quickly. They may end up forgetting to buy everything they need.

After their purchase, they’ll scan around for shorter lanes and even try to jump the queue. You can also hear them sighing and complaining about slow-moving customers and checkout lines.


I’ve been in cabs where the drivers are weaving in and out of lanes. No matter how hard you complain, they won’t stop. They will honk and curse other drivers out. I’m not sure it happens everywhere, but it’s normal in my country. Road rage is something else here.

I don’t even know what to say about drivers who ignore traffic signs. They’re a story for another day. My best moment has to be when some drivers try to navigate alternative routes and then get stuck. Then, the worst will be when they over-speed and overtake to make up for lost time.

Parking space

Drivers in a rush will speed through the parking lot without checking for vacant space. They might keep shifting between aisles searching for a convenient spot. Some will even park in a way that obstructs others.

I’ve seen drivers who honk aggressively when someone else is taking too long to park. They’d wish to push the person out of the way. They’d sigh and whine and then try to cut off other drivers from claiming a space. When they don’t find a space, they give up and leave quickly. Maybe if they waited one minute, a space would be available.


People in a rush always come in and try to interrupt those before them. They go there during peak hours and get upset about the crowd. I don’t see them considering that others also have things to do.

Then, they try to hurry the attendants to provide their order. A little more delay and they complain about wait times. Where I live, some will plead to take your spot by coming up with weak excuses for why they have little time on their hands.

Behaviors that are common among impatient people

We must have all had times when we were impatient, no doubt. Maybe, many tasks were waiting at work/home. We just could not help it at those times.

From the impatient people I know, the ones who are always in a rush, I noticed certain behaviors.

  • They’re always tapping their fingers
  • Shifting in their seats
  • Checking their time
  • Wanting things to move faster
  • Sighing loudly
  • Interrupting others
  • Giving quick responses
  • Seeking shortcuts
  • Acting quickly without thinking
  • Easily irritated
  • Throwing Temper tantrums
  • Feeling Entitled
  • Rushing through tasks
  • Showing frustration with delays
  • Acting Restless

Why are people always in a hurry?

People argue that there’s not enough time in the day. No matter how much they try, they can’t stop themselves.

Well, I think that society has created a rat race. So people feel short on time and are constantly rushing to get things done or find peace in their homes.


  • They’re juggling multiple responsibilities
  • They fear they’d miss opportunities
  • They want to be seen as busy instead of lazy
  • They’re unable to prioritize tasks and are dealing with last-minute rushes
  • They’re over-scheduled
  • They’re under pressure

How you can slow down

I doubt that being constantly restless is a pleasant feeling. Nobody should ever have a hard time waiting for anything that will happen. Things don’t have to happen magically or as soon as we want them. It’s not like we’re the only people in the world, so we have to wait our turn.

So if you’re an impatient person who is tired of always being in a rush, then the work starts with you.

  • Try putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation that requires waiting.
  • Meditate sometimes, and you might spot your triggers.
  • Repeat those activities that make you feel impatient until you’re comfortable.
  • You can try yoga to practice being still.
  • Self-reflect and practice mindfulness

