Putting Nevermined security to the test

Security is a must. So as part of our path to production we audited Nevermined

Aitor Argomániz
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Image posted by Colin Carter on unsplash

Nevermined has been created to offer its users the ability to build ecosystems where parties who otherwise would be disincentivized to trust one another, can now share and monetize their digital assets in a way that is efficient, secure and privacy-preserving. The solution enables the construction of ecosystems to support multiple types of use cases based on these premises, sharing of assets and interaction between the different actors involved.

Auditing the heart of our platform

Part of the process in preparing the technology for usage in production environments involved working with the security audit firm Omniscia to evaluate the code of the Nevermined Smart Contracts.

The Smart Contracts are the core of the Nevermined platform as they permit the definition and execution of Data Sharing and Data In Situ Computation scenarios, the tokenization of assets via NFTs, Provenance integrity, etc. Before using Nevermined in production use cases, we considered it mandatory to audit the security robustness of this essential piece of the solution.

As part of the audit process Omniscia found some non-critical issues and identified some potential improvements to apply. As a result of this report the Nevermined team applied all the improvements recommended. After these changes were made and final testing was executed, the definitive security report resulted in no issues detected in the Nevermined Smart Contracts.

As security experts know, perfect security doesn’t exist. But today we have confirmation we have a solid base to build trusted data ecosystems.

You can find the full report here if you want to know more about the details.

Deploying the Smart Contracts in different networks

To facilitate the integration and delivery of data ecosystems for building use cases, we released the first stable version of the Nevermined contracts v1.0.0 and deployed them in some of the most relevant EVM based test networks.

Image posted by Alina Grubnyak on unsplash

If you would like to know more about the commercial opportunities Nevermined provides for your organization, or are interested in having a demo, please reach out to us on info@nevermined.io, drop us a line on Discord or visit our website. If you enjoyed this article let us know by clapping or leaving your comment below.

