A Deep Chill

A homeless trans girl reflects on her life

Alleria Brightfall
Nevermore Black


Photo by Alleria Brightfall

I came from the land of sunshine, a land burning in the intolerance of an archaic belief system. I was trapped in a place I did not belong in. I knew that I had a choice between withering away or taking a chance and venturing into the deep cold, venturing into the unknown.

With a few coins in my pocket, I arrived in a land of snow, a place void of the intolerance, a place to restart my life. I had made a decision to throw caution to the wind and embark on a new adventure.

Standing in a downfall of snow, I contemplated what lay before me. A city covered in white, crowned by two universities, and possessing a vibrant sea of pedestrians had my attention. I will make my mark here, I told myself.

I threw away my comforts, a soft bed, a warm place to relax, the security brought by four walls. I knew that I would be starting with nothing. I also knew that I could do anything, including working myself out of the deep chill of being homeless

Consciousness is fundamental. Welcome to the simulation. I live by these words. I know I am a part of everything, and everything is a part of me. I know this is a simulation, a game, and I am a game master.

I am already benefiting from my decision. I am able to dress cute and act girly without anyone giving me grief. I get compliments on my fashion choices, and everyone is treating me amicably.

Now, my focus is to get myself off the streets and into the warmth. This place is more expensive than the land of sunshine, so it will be quite the task, but I am up for it.

It is time to hustle, time to put my skills to use. I will venture forth into the landscape before me and build something worthwhile. I am what I make of myself and I am eager to start.



Alleria Brightfall
Nevermore Black

Mystic Princess and founder of Serpent and Butterfly, Department of Conspiracies and Nevermore Black. Artist, writer, occultist, gamer and philosopher.