A Short Testimony

How God changed my life in less than 400 words



Testimony (n.) — proof or evidence that something exists or is true (Merriam-Webster)

Last Ignite 2013, I joined a video/essay contest sharing our personal stories of leadership, integrity, faith, or excellence. Here was my entry. If I remember correctly, there was a word count limit of 400 words and I had a hard time cutting my initial draft to that limit. Haha.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to promote Ignite 2015. Woohoo! It will be held at Smart Araneta Coliseum on June 2–4, 2015. It’s the biggest yet! You don’t wanna miss this!


Originally published on Ignite 2013's Student Blogs on May 2013. (I edited a few word choices heehee.)

Chapter 1: The Seed

I “accepted” Jesus back in Grade 5 (2004). The gospel was shared to me one night. I accepted Christ kasi sayang yung pagkakataon; madali lang pala pumuntang heaven (I accepted Christ because of the opportunity; I didn’t know it was easy to go to heaven). I didn’t know what it meant besides a free ticket to heaven.

Chapter 2: Solo Flight

Two congregation changes later, I started attending Victory Alabang. I was in 2nd year HS (2007). I got invited a couple of times to the youth service but I was hesitant. I had many excuses. Basically, I lived a Christian alone. Alone. Those were the hardest years in my life because I was struggling with sin and insecurity issues and I didn’t know any better than I should stop sinning. There was no one to mentor me, to pray for me, to encourage me. One of the heaviest parts was bringing my past religiosity along. Actually, mas madali sana kung di muna ako naging Christian para sin na lang nang sin, walang struggle (Actually, it would have been easier if I weren’t a Christian yet so that I’d just go on sinning, no struggle).

Chapter 3: The Watering

Two years later (4th year HS, 2009), my dad organized a LIFE workshop in school. He wanted me to attend, and I did. It was pretty awkward because they were all college students, so I stuck with Kuya Edrei (he was only a familiar face back then) the whole event. During the course of the workshop, he asked if someone already did One2One to me. And thus we started with One2One, then Victory Group, and then my eventual becoming part of the youth service. The rest is history.


In retrospect, I see God orchestrated everything. Even the bewildering years in high school of being lost in the enemy’s lies, religion, sin, doing things to “please God” and earn His favor, and living to gain everybody’s approval was part of His plan. It fuels my passion for ministry. I share the gospel because most teens face the same root issue: identity. I share the gospel because despite of the terrible things I did, God accepts me and loves me.

Scriptural reference: Romans 8:38–39




Fascinated with how the world works from the socio-economic level down to the molecular.