Delicious, gorgeous, inspired cake and conundrum….

New adventure of an ex-chef…

Tim Fitzgibbon
New Adventures
2 min readAug 8, 2013


I am most definitely not standing at a cross roads, I am standing facing a ditch, with cataracts, but smirking all the same.

I’ll explain.

The Ditch;

So like a lot most folks I was plodding along in life, apparently with certain avenues open to me. But also like most people at some point, fortune will snap her bony little fingers and decide that certain paths will open or close. In my case life has suggested, in a less than subtle manner, that I should look for a profession that isn't quite as demanding as that of a professional chef. I found myself facing an apparent ditch; a dead end. Confused, disoriented, all a bit fuzzy…

With cataracts;

Clarity is a curious and frustrating thing, especially when it goes missing for a while. One can have the sense that there is a veil to be lifted, but how…


I have been buoyed by a persistent sense of humour, and contact with a real freshness. From a position of playing with knives and fire all day, fostering almost Luddite sensibilities, I have been asked to broaden my perspective. What has inspired and given some sense of direction is my contact the tech world. This has surprised me more than anyone.

Here I have met people who are constantly redefining boundaries. It has been truly inspirational to get to even watch videos by the likes of; Kevin Rose, Ryan Freitas, Tim Ferris, Scott Harrison. These guys are unshackled, iconoclastic, and fresh. Coming from an industry that can be quite traditional, this has been like lashing ointment onto well chaffed, post 10km run, nipples (ran my first 10k 3 days ago, unexpected consequences!).

And so to the cake and conumdrum;

I want to make a small amount of cakes. I make gorgeous, delicious, beautiful, non-dainty, original cakes.

And I want to find and engage with a customer base with all the savvy and imagination that the guys above foster. How does one do that? I just love this infectious sense of possibility and redefinition that I have encountered. I want to be a part of this, using the power of cake. Not in the production, but in the exposure and delivery.

I’m almost giddy with excitement at the adventure that this is, and finish by saying thanks to all you techy guys (in Ireland this implies women too!!!) out there, my eyes are finally open to the wonders you are creating.

