Industry Focus: Digital Marketing Strategies in Healthcare Sector You Need to Know

Shanshan Li
New Age in Digital Marketing
2 min readDec 13, 2019

With digital development and changing consumer behaviors, healthcare marketing has seen an evolution from traditional tactics relying on print and TV to digital ones. Here’re 4 healthcare digital marketing strategies that will help you grow your brands and increase sales.

1. Optimize Your Search Engine

Search engines drive three times as many visitors to hospital websites than other sources. Healthcare marketers can use SEO tactics on their content by:

  • Tagging content with high-ranking keywords
  • Writing informative page descriptions
  • Creating strategic HTML titles
  • Designing a mobile navigation version

2. Create a User-friendly Website

Website plays an important role in patients’ medical decisions, which should be designed patient-centrally in an easy-to-navigate way, otherwise visitors will feel frustrated and turn to other healthcare organizations.

Take a look at Cleveland Clinic’s website as a good example:

3. Produce Strong Video Content

Video can help build a trustworthy image of the healthcare organization while educating the public about general wellness.

  • Sharing patient stories and let followers get emotionally attached
  • Providing Informative videos about health issues or diseases, recovery procedures and so on in a simple in visual format

4. Engage via Social media

Establishing social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and allowing consumers to make personal connection with your organization and build trust.

You can direct people toward informational resources to answer questions, and drive visitors to comment and share.

Cedars-Sinai hospital has a strong social media presence. It shares videos and posts about healthcare information, staff caring, and upcoming events to engage with its followers.

