How do I prove I am not gay?

Fakeer Ishavardas
6 min readMar 6, 2020
Who am I?

From a metaphysical perspective, nobody is gay.

In other words, everybody is the way he or she is born. If one is born a male, then, one is a man. If a woman, then, the thus born is a female. It is the gender Mother Nature has assigned the human being at the time of one’s birth. There is no escaping it.

The trouble starts when the feeble, fearful and frolicking mind of a traumatized and troubled one starts screwing with one’s nature-given identity and entity.

Unable to control one’s sexual urges which go contrary to one’s natural gender, makes this kind of a person uncontrollably indulge in such an unusual and unsocial activity. Having indulged in this non-gender-like or homosexual and lesbian deed, and having no control over such thoughts and deeds, this person wants public acceptance of one’s unnatural preference. Or at the very least this fella seeks to be simply left alone to do whatever the hell he or she want to do in one’s sexual life.

Well, one would or could be left alone to indulge in one’s own sexually oriented crap were not the same infringing upon another fellow’s right to oppose that.

Those opposing the lifestyle of the so-called gay lot hold that these ‘buggers’ are going against nature’s diktat. And that the unnatural sexual behaviour of these fellows is but an unsocial, a non spiritual and an unhealthy practice. As too a very socially bothersome, kinky and a beastly thought process. It badly effect children, and young minds. These worked up and vexed opponents of the proponents of a homosexual and a lesbian lifestyle insist that such an uncouth and an uncivilized lifestyle has no place in a modern, civilized society. In short, and according to the anti-gay people, such an aberrant and abhorrent activity creates an extremely dirty, dangerous and a damning mess.

However, now days any conservative or a concerned move and opposition to a meandering homosexual behaviour is apt to be quacked about instantly, and that very quickly labelled as homophobic by the gay lobbyists. No stone is left unturned to purposefully, and in a plain but planned manner, name and shame in every media possible all those who are opposing the gay lifestyle and living.

In fact, what was normally and naturally taken by most of the people to be very much a disease and a mental disorder not so long ago, has of late been concertedly and conveniently self-discovered, and thus imposed, to be oh-so-normal and ah-so-natural by some fancied and funded surveys and studies.

Mind you, all this is conducted in the name of some kind of a pseudo-science and popular psychology.

Not to be outdone, the homosexual and lesbian lot have of late roped in even religion and spirituality. By subterfuge and sabotage it is thus sought to nullify the written records of the holy books; which by the way, hold an eloquent and an equivocal position absolutely contrary to the homosexual belief system.

Some amenable genealogists and bendable TV evangelists too have been brought in by the gay community to by hook or crook justify the so-called ‘genetically’ oriented, ‘god-gifted’ gay behaviour.

Of course no traditional religion supports homosexuality.

Yet this has not stopped the homosexual sort from bringing in God to speak for their lot. After all, if God can be brought on one’s side, then, those opposing this bothering, buggering lifestyle will be left standing outside!

A relentless, ongoing, and ceaseless propagation and propaganda to make the homosexual, lesbian and bisexual behaviour seem oh-so-very simply and straightforwardly normal and natural is very visibly out there. It has subtly but surely borne fruit. For now a days many a misled, simple-minded fellow seems to wonder, “Am I gay or what?

Hence has propped up this specific query, “How do I prove I’m not gay?”

In the present times one is per force, constantly and frequently, coming in contact with the homosexual and lesbian people since so many of them are ‘coming out’ here and there within the society. In some societies, especially in the West, it has become the norm than the exception. Some in India too give it a rousing reception.

Earlier the gay lot were themselves ashamed. Now they are out to shame those who insist these fellows are wacko, cuckoo, and lame.

The permanently pounding propaganda machine of the self-branded gay lot has effected the unripe minds of modern day youngsters to such a deadly and devastating extent that many among them are often left wondering about the nature of their own sexuality.

It is akin a pet dog living with humans wrongfully wondering as to whether it is half human, and not exactly an animal! Now, a dog is a wonderful animal. Perhaps it is even better than humans in many a way. But it is not human. Nobody can make it human. Not it by itself, nor you or I by any way, nor does God. Thus it is. It stays so. For it is Mother Nature’s Way.

Similarly, once born and brought unto this world so, a man is a male and not a woman. And a woman does not become a man. She stays a female.

Occasionally it is found to happen that an underdeveloped intellect and a rather simplistically misguided individual may in some way or the other start wistfully wondering as to whether one is indeed as one has been born: a male or a female. Or something other than what one is birthed with and in and as, in gender. For admittedly it is indeed many a human experience that irresistibly and inexplicably one could come to develop an undeniable fancy and feeling of a tangible and a telltale attraction towards people of one’s own gender and sex.

Change is the nature of our fancies. They oft turn out to be nothing more than nancy-pansies. And feelings are rogues and rascals. For they too fancifully keep changing partners.

What is permanent is our inner nature.

And what is that which is permanent in us?

From a self-experienced and an awakened metaphysical point of view of all the free mystics of the world, especially of ancient India, it is the absolute reality of the innate oneness of our essence with the ‘That’ of the cosmic existence.

In other words, metaphysically, everything is One.

This indivisibility and unity — the eternal oneness of the inner self of each and everything of existence — does not change in life or in death, before life or after death.

All is forever One.

Thus being the case, the living being, specifically the homo sapiens, are in their inner and eternal soul-substratum neither male or female but rather an asexual, divine oneness.

Therefore, the highest metaphysical self-experience of the Awakened Ones tells us that the nature of physical being may be that or this. But in our eternal essence we forever remain That Which Is.

Simply put, what it means is that born a human we the thus come are prone to identify ourselves with our bodily self being a Tom, Dick and Harry; or a this-that Jane.

Not knowing and not self-realizing the true nature of our inner and higher self, the human mind and intellect is given to constantly consume, as an edible reality, the illusory non-reality of its impermanent bodily self.

Thus being the case, it is a given that some among us, the silly human lot, may willy-nilly wonder, and consequently, wander away from identifying even with our nature-given bodily self and gender.

This unfortunate state of one’s self — being rather disjointed, disturbed and dysfunctional — makes one rudderless.

Inevitably, the said philandering phenomenon takes the less spiritual and the unawakened among us away from the truth and spirit of What Is: the Eternal Reality of Oneness.

Owing to it, thence and thereof creeps in that which is a farce, and false. It is the fancy and the feeling, of an unnatural attraction for the unreal. For our own gender and sex.

In conclusion, admittedly, all of us humans are visibly and virtually very much a male or a female in our bodily make. Yet in our spiritual make we are neither a he or a she. We are in fact in the image of Thee’. In other words, in our life-essence we are but the Godliness of Oneness.

So, to this or that say nay!

You have to prove nothing to nobody.

You are much more than even a mere man or a woman. In self and the soul. In fact, metaphysically speaking, you are neither straight nor gay!

Seek, find your TRUE SELF.

And then, to ‘the One’ in all and the all in One say hey!



Fakeer Ishavardas

Metaphysical Poet ♨ FREE MYSTIC ♨ ☝ Th.D, (Theology and Divinity, U.S.A.), Sahaj Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, PhD (Religious Studies and Metaphysics, U.S.A.) ☝