The Evidence of the God Particle — Metaphysically speaking!

Fakeer Ishavardas
5 min readMay 13, 2016

Science is an ever changing fact.

What was believed to be true yesterday, scientifically, could be proved a lie today. Like it was believed that electrons in the atom move in a certain way. Quantum physics found that they do not. And in fact, at times, behave in an inexplicably arbitrary and uncertain way.

This changes the whole dynamics of science. It cannot explain this phenomenon. It is called the Uncertainty Principle. It baffles the physicists.

Thus, science is an evolving process. Right today, wrong tomorrow!

The “god particle”, i.e. the ‘thing’ which is thought to be the ‘make’ of everything, and is said to ‘move’ all, is the life force behind each and everything, is a matter that science may never catch. For, it looks for the Thing-in-Itself in ‘matter’.

Matter, as better brains of science, have found ceases to be a material reality beyond a certain point. What it becomes, or is, the scientists calling it the ‘god particle’, seek to unravel. But do not get ‘It’.

Maybe the answer lies in metaphysics.

The freemystics of the world, especially in India, from the ancient times have always self-realized ‘It’. Sages call it Enlightenment. Or Awakening. Or simply, Self Realization. That is, by self, not theoretically but as a ‘physical’ reality, realizing the actual nature of ‘What Is’. Beyond empirical science, and above the mundane religious nut-ism.

Science cannot find the ‘god particle’ because “It” is the Within.

Firstly, this Source of All That Is, is not a particle. Alternatively, it is also not a person, that simple folks all over the world call their fancied deity. Who — the Christian, Judaic or the Islamic religious literature reveals — is more of a megalomaniac, a mad dog than god!

But of course, such a lunatic is not God.

As too is not the God Particle.

IT is the ‘That’ of each and everything. The First Principle. The Absolute of all things. The Beginning and the Ending. Simply put, from which all comes, and having come, goes back. The ‘It’ of every little, or big thing. Especially, of you, that which makes you, “this” you! That is the Eternal Reality behind yours, and all life. Which brings this wonderful world, the whole cosmos into existence. This! That!

The evidence of ‘It’ is in each and everything.

However, it is not a ‘thing’, though unto all, as everything. It cannot be found as a this or that material, a matter, a thing! ‘It’ is the Whole of the whole thing. Is the Infinite Unity, immanent and “alive” in each and everything. Even the non-sentient thing.

The only proof of ‘It’ is by self, the ‘getting’ of it.

At an individual level. Each must find ‘It’ by own self. By going Within. But most of humankind never does, nor will.

This is because most humans cannot. Or do not. Having not the necessary merit, the karmic due for finding it. Lacking intellectually, emotionally, metaphysically the appetite or the aptitude to go seek it for themselves. And thenceforth, determined and dedicated, ever ready to spend their whole life in trying to get ‘It’ by its pigtails, as if. Compulsorily. By this or that way. In fact, any which way.

Yet, who has the time for it!

Thus, a rare human finds ‘It’. As their ‘thing’. The thing that’s everything. This, ‘god particle’ thing. Call it god, or nothing. This! That!

That ‘It’ exists, is a fact that has been an open secret amongst the freemystics of the world. In India, it is well defined, described and demystified since times immemorial. One may read the Gnostic texts of ancient India to understand the gist of ‘It’.

But briefly put, the consciousness of the meditating being explores itself.

In a ‘chosen’ and a chaste seeker, innumerable visions as potentially ingrained in one’s psyche since birth and before it, come into view. This includes visions of culturally or religiously imbibed icons — for example, a human-like god or goddess etc. It also may entertain transient illusions of a hell or a heaven, or various versions of it, as a person may have imagined the end reality to be. Again, under the influence of one’s fancies, faith and fears, a certain lot of misled seekers may even imagine, mind-made visions of demonic entities etc.

Thankfully, in time, these simplistic notions, as visions, meet a natural death. As water does in a mirage, in the desert. On drawing near it.

But in a well-guided seeker, the vision Within takes him or her to a wondrous cosmic unraveling. That is, the consciousness witnesses surreal ‘travel’ unto the Self of the Universe. Again, innumerable visions come. But always pleasant, and poignant. Never fearful, or of an unpleasant nature.

Thereupon, the ‘god particle’ present within the self — metaphysically said to be located at the base of the spine, and called ‘kundalini’ or the ‘son of God’ — gets ‘raised up’, and in a serpentine manner gets ‘out’ of the body. In this body-less-ness, the conscious Self of ‘It’ looks at the body from outside. And thus “gets’ it that since it is outside of it, the body, it cannot be the physical entity that is the human body.

Summarily, thereafter, over the passage of real time, when karma ripens, this conscious “it-ness” travels as if, unto itself. Eventually, the consciousness witnessing this unraveling of the Self — at the Buddha moment — it ends! Ceasing to be the observer that instant. In a supra conscious surrealism, the only ‘thing’ thence left standing ‘alive’, is the Thing-in-Itself. As the Self of the Whole. Of All. As the Whole, the All.

Then in a supra spontaneity, this conscious Infinity, very consciously ‘comes back’. And literally ‘sees’ its Universal Self “coming to its senses” as if! At the mundane level. This seeming mendacity of self-consciousness, then, finds itself as one’s own dynamic principality of universality — called ‘shakti’, in Sanskrit. It is the life force or the universal energy of the ‘One’, that it had witnessed as the All ‘up There’ a few surreal moments ago. Thereupon, this Whole Consciousness witnesses its Self transcendentally ‘become’ the ‘breath of life’. And again, literally ‘sees’ the breath ‘coming back’ into the body, re-becoming a human entity.

Thus is the Awakening! Is the ‘God Particle’.

Proof is in the pudding. There cannot be any other evidence of ‘It’. Either seek, find ‘It’, or go on cursing the world, the meaninglessness of it all, and then, die. Un-awakened.

A good for nothing. ~_~



Fakeer Ishavardas

Metaphysical Poet ♨ FREE MYSTIC ♨ ☝ Th.D, (Theology and Divinity, U.S.A.), Sahaj Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, PhD (Religious Studies and Metaphysics, U.S.A.) ☝