Where does the soul go when you die?

Fakeer Ishavardas
4 min readJun 4, 2017

From whither cometh, thither all goeth.

But what is soul, and what’s death? Do we possess a soul, or are we just a soul-less bodily entity, a bio-chemical gibberish, and our life sans meaning or a goal?

Such questions arise naturally in a thinking being. And they must be addressed.

Science would have us believe in its invincibility. However, it has no answers to life and death beyond a dictatorially thrown-up, theoretical explanation. Of ‘dead’ chemicals somehow coming into being owing to a big bang a few billion years ago, whereby ‘all this’ was created. And then, the same non-sentient chemicals whimsically got to ‘banging’ each other. Thence, owing to the ‘dead’ screwing with other ‘non-life’, up comes life! In a process of a evolution of sorts.

As to how consciousness enters life, science has no explanation.

But higher spiritual traditions, especially of India, do provide answers about the basics of the soul, its consciousness aspect, and its hereafter. Many an ancient gnostic scripture exist thereof, laying down the fundamentals of the metaphysical reality. It is all told straightforwardly by the sages of India, based on their self-discovery of the Absolute of All That Be.

So, what is the self-experience of freemystics vis-a-vis the soul, and death?

Well, the meditating being whose destiny it is this time to “get” the Beginning and the End as a verifiable fact, this Buddha-to-be finds that in the Absolute of Truth, the Ultimate Reality is that nothing exists ‘here’ or ‘there’ except a soulfulness of oneness. As the Innate Essence.

Hence, at the end of one’s metaphysical quest, not soul but a soul-full-ness is found to be the Conscious ‘IT-ness’ of Whatsoever Is.

In simple words, no separate soul of the living being is found, as existing differentiated from anything else ‘out there’. This is the self-realization of enlightened sages of India.

All existence is an unbroken, a unified all-ness of oneness.

That is, only One ‘I-ness’, as the All of the Whole, is the End Reality.

This ‘I’ of the Cosmic Absolute does not see itself as different from existence as a whole. Wherever “IT’ looks, it finds its SELF.

Therefore, quintessentially, we are all the indivisible infinity of existence.

Alternatively, it means all existence is a singular self-knowing soul-ness. In other words, there is no soul in us, but a universal soul-full-ness!

‘It’ is the life of all, as a unified wholeness, an unbroken oneness sans a second.

Hence, life and the Beyond is an indivisible and an inseparable infinitude of singularity, of a unity-conscious-soulfulness. Of endlessness.

In order not to drowned in undue verbosity, it may be simply stated that the Ultimate Truth of the Absolute Reality is that life and death, and the thereafter, is but a Single Whole. As say, heat would be in fire. Or as milk is in curd.

That is, in its essential pristine soul-substratum and life-substance, no separation exists in life and death, or the beyond. All ONE WHOLE is.

Therefore, after death, the soul exists as a possibility of re-birth — as a wave does in the ocean. The wave rises — is born as though — and then, subsides. So, it seemingly dies. Yet it rises up again — reborn as if — and so on, and so forth. Similarly is the case of the soul of the living beings. It — the soul, so to say — stays as an ‘alive possibility’ within the Whole. In time, becoming a this or a that. Until it’s return to the Absolute.

As the essence of the wave and the ocean is but one — is water — therefore, both the creator (ocean) and the creation (wave) are identical in ‘make’. Analogically, from this theological reference, it may be said that the soul of the wave neither lives nor dies, but is a foreverness of possibility within the ocean, of water. It is thus similar for the living entities, especially us, the humankind.

In time, as karmically ordained, the soul which is in fact nothing but a duality-conscious no-thing-ness of everything-ness, this seemingly ‘dead’ entity is ‘reborn’ in the infinite indivisibility of the unity-conscious wholesomeness.

Summing up, it may be said that the soul is nothing but the ‘forgetful’ oneness that thinks it is separate from the indivisible whole — which is its true identity.

It lives, dies, and is reborn in dual-consciousness. Ad infinitum. Until it reaches the State of the Stateless — of self-realization — that it is nothing else or other than the Whole. Or it is so blessed by the Grace of That Which Is. Owing to which, even without knowing the Ultimate Truth, the devout born-entity thereafter lives on eternally as the Infinite Absolute of the Whole of What Is.

The choice for spiritual seekers is to either reach enlightenment or seek Divine Grace to take care of the worshiper. The former state a rare one reaches, the latter anyone may be blessed with.

The really wise ones stay endlessly in devotion to That Which Is, harming none on the Way, and surrender in worship to the Grace of the Absolute.

Thereupon, the human soul rests in peace.

Not in isms, or under the stupid dictum of silly god-men or of ill-informed and self-proclaimed messiahs, but at lotus feet of the Divine Truth and Reality. Of Unity Consciousness of Oneness, of All That Is. Most call this — the Absolute — God.

May you live, and die in Self-realization. As the Universal Self — the divine ‘It-ness’ that is neither this nor that, soul nor soul-less-ness, empty nor full, and neither lives nor dies. But is the forever ‘Is-ness’ of the Whole.

So, go nowhere, but within. To live forever. As ‘That’.



Fakeer Ishavardas

Metaphysical Poet ♨ FREE MYSTIC ♨ ☝ Th.D, (Theology and Divinity, U.S.A.), Sahaj Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, PhD (Religious Studies and Metaphysics, U.S.A.) ☝