A Poem: My Valentine

A Jocular Take on Valentine’s Day

Damien C. Markham
The New Age
1 min readFeb 14, 2018


“A Really Good Picture of a Heart” (Photo: Damien C. Markham)

My Valentine

by Damien C. Markham

Sobbing my sorrows away,

Coming to terms with the fact that it’s just another day…

One where we commiserate,

Perhaps one we celebrate,

One to remember,

But most likely another to forget,

Oh how this holiday escapes my fine wit…

Yes, what wonder are you, my valentine?

That this holiday should be so sublime?

A box of chocolates,

A bundle of roses?

A cohort of children just thumbing their noses?

Well, it’s unlikely that you’re something special,

But rather consumerism in a nutshell,

But I guess at least this weather’s decent,

And particularly for this season!

And the beer specials are something that I can ease-in,

Even if you’re raison d’etre escapes rhyme and reason…

Though…I do suppose you symbolize love…

And that ought to be point enough,

That we can go easy on those we see through you,

And be gentle instead of rough,

But oh how I wish we could wage a Valentine’s day coup,

Because my candies are spelling it “U” instead “You”!



Damien C. Markham
The New Age

The views expressed in my writing are wholly my own, and are not representative of any outside, independent organizations. Also, "stuff". I might know it.