NAD Roundup #1

New Atlantis
New Atlantis DAO roundup
3 min readSep 7, 2022

“The destruction of life in our oceans is the world’s largest solvable problem” — Rewilding the Sea by Charles Clover

Photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram

Welcome to New Atlantis DAO! We are a group of scientists, entrepreneurs, web3 natives, and climate concerned citizens who believe that in order to save our planet, we must save our oceans.

At its core, NAD is a for-profit ocean regeneration project that seeks to address biodiversity loss in our oceans by building a viable business model for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). MPAs have been recognized as the most effective way to regenerate life in our oceans, life which not only sequesters vast amounts of carbon but also serves as the foundation of our food web. We are working to turn the ocean into an investable product — where people are rewarded for the simple act of leaving the oceans alone instead of exploiting them. You can read more on how we are doing that here.

To be successful, we rely on an ever-growing community where the best minds can contribute their expertise towards this goal. It’s a place where passion results in action; where idealism results in progress. We all know we are up against the clock and the the old models are not working fast enough.

This weeks positive news from around the globe

Our friends at Only One are a constant source of good news. This week: researchers in Mississippi spotting the first sea turtle nest in the state since 2018. After Hurricanes, storms, the BP oil spill and a number of other factors, evidence that the environment is recovering! You can read more about it here.

Community Spotlight

Cristina Mittermeir is one of those people you wish you could have by your side at all times. She inspires you to do better, to be better. She’s had the kind of career that most people dream of — world renowned National Geographic photographer with a degree in Biochemical Engineering in Marine Sciences, co-founder of, UN SDG14 Ambassador and now, NAD Founding Advisor. Read our conversation with Cristina here.

What we need

Are you a writer, designer, animator, video editor, TikTok influencer etc.. who wants to help us get the word out about NAD? If so please join our Discord and contact JenJilly.

What we’re reading , who we are following.

Our community member JJ just finished Rewilding the Sea — a fantastic read that will leave you amazed at what happens when we let nature do its thing. That’s our reading 101 this week. If you’re looking for something a little more advanced:

201: Ocean Ecology: Marine Life in the Age of Humans

301: A Global Plankton Diversity Monitoring Program

We cannot get enough of the Sea Legacy account on Instagram. Their incredible photos keep us inspired every single day.

You can find NAD staff and members on the ReFi DAO discord where we have connected with people leading other incredible projects focused on making our world better.

We’ll keep you posted in our Roundups on what’s happening here at NAD so that you can keep informed as well as find ways to get involved. Whether you’re a scientist, a developer, a web3 native, a marketer, a surfer, a beach lover…we need you! If you’ve not joined our discord yet, please do and jump into the conversation.

