NAD Roundup #2

New Atlantis
New Atlantis DAO roundup
2 min readSep 21, 2022

The New Atlantis Gitcoin Grant is up and running and gaining support!

Photo used with permission by Paul Nicklen, co-founder of, New Atlantis Founding Advisor, NatGeo Contributor, Instagram

For those of you unfamiliar with Gitcoin grants, they use an incredibly innovative way of granting matching funds called quadratic funding where the number of contributions your project receives holds more weight than the amount of any individual grant. As Gitcoin explains, “This pushes power to the edges, away from whales & other central power brokers. This creates more democracy in public goods funding decisions!” You can learn more about quadratic funding here

So far, $2,400 in donations has resulted in more than $80,000 in matching funds!

If you are interested in participating (and we hope you are — remember because of the model, even a $1 donation helps us receive more matching funds), you can find our grant here. If you have any questions, please let us know on discord.

This weeks positive news from around the globe

Our friends at Only One highlighted this story this week: The world’s first “bubble barrier” shows promise for preventing plastic from reaching the ocean. You can read more here.

Community Spotlight

Barely a thing happens at New Atlantis that Tom Lynch doesn’t touch. A senior at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles who has been working in Web3 since 2018, either Tom doesn’t sleep or he is working on NAD during class because he gets more done in one day than most people do in a year. His naturally curious and kind nature and incredible intellect are true assets to this project. Read more about Tom here.

What we’re reading , who we are following.

The GreenPill podcast has a great episode talking about the Gitcoin Grants Round 15 and how to get involved.

NAD Founding Advisor (and National Geographic photographer) Paul Nicklen’s Instagram account will leave you amazed.

Reading/Watching 101: Here’s a great video primer on how important whales are to preventing climate change.

Reading 201: A summary of the recently released State of the Climate report.

Reading 301:’s article: ****Spatio-temporal patterns of multi-trophic biodiversity and food-web characteristics uncovered across a river catchment using environmental DNA.

What we need:

This week we have all hands on deck to get the word out about our Gitcoin grant. We would be so appreciative if you could help get the word out! You can follow us on Twitter to retweet.

We’ll keep you posted in our Roundups on what’s happening here at NAD so that you can keep informed as well as find ways to get involved. Whether you’re a scientist, a developer, a web3 native, a marketer, a surfer, a beach lover…we need you! If you’ve not joined our discord yet, please do and jump into the conversation.

