NAD Roundup #6

JJ Ramberg
New Atlantis DAO roundup
2 min readOct 25, 2022

Portugal, here we come!

Photo by Octavio Aburto

We’re going back on the road. As we type this, Gordon is packing his bags to head to IPFS camp in Lisbon, Portugal. We were thrilled when the team at Protocol Labs asked Gordon to give a talk on NewAtlantis with the goal of highlighting how decentralized science and regenerative finance can work with and benefit each other.

Meantime, back in Brussels and California, our Oceans team is documenting our plans for the timeline for a sampling campaign that can be conducted in MPAs across the world. Ultimately, because of the time series natures of our sample, we will have the ability to estimate seasonal and yearly changes in biodiversity.

And on the design front, we are getting close to launching the new NewAtlantis website! Stay tuned. Thanks so much for Jeff for leading this charge!

Positive news from around the globe

We were excited by this report detailing the progress on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement which included, among its goals, restoring oyster populations in ten bay tributaries by 2025. Oysters play a key role in filtering water, providing a refuge for wildlife and help absorb wave energy which increases resilience to storms around the coast. To date, six tributaries have been restored and the other four are on schedule! This is the largest oyster restoration and recovery effort n tin the world.

Community Spotlight: Stephane

The first thing you will notice about Stephane is that he is funny. He’s got a dry sense of humor that subtly sneaks its way into every conversation, making him incredibly fun to talk to and very approachable. Stephane is a bioinformatics expert who jumped into our Ocean Science channel and has become a lively part of the conversation. You can read more about Stephane here.

What we’re reading, what we are listening to, who we are following.


This episode from the Upwell Podcast — an interview with Daniela Fernandez, the founder and CEO of the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, who is activating the next generation of ocean champions to restore the health of the ocean.

This article from Oceana detailing some of the life-saving marine-based medicines that have been discovered in the ocean so far.


This article in Nature on how intraspecific genetic variation is key towards a holistic understanding of ecological health.

An article on how decentralized communities are gaining traction in biotech.

What we need:

Every Wednesday at 9:30am PT, we host a community chat on Discord. We would love to see you there! Our conversations span the Ocean, Web3, design and everything else we think about here at NewAtlantis.

Also, please share this newsletter with anyone you think would be interested and follow us on Twitter

