Top Tags You Should Follow in 2022

Walter Reid
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2022

This is just a helpful article for those starting out on Medium. Feel free to bookmark. All publicly searchable, but put in a form for easy reference

Advice: 77K stories
Architecture: 37K stories
Art: 180K stories
Artificial Intelligence: 168K stories

Bitcoin: 311K stories
BlackLivesMatter: 57K stories
Books: 160K stories
Business: 382K stories

Climate Change: 93K stories
Cooking: 29K stories
Creativity: 154K stories
Culture: 164K stories

Design: 287K stories
Diversity: 37K stories

Economics: 75K stories
Education: 370K stories
Energy: 39K stories
Entrepreneurship: 365K stories

Fashion: 104K stories
Feminism: 81K stories
Fiction: 172K stories
Finance: 177K stories
Food: 186K stories
Future: 58K stories

Gaming: 117K stories
Government: 61K stories

Health: 438K stories
History: 121K stories
Humor: 171K stories

Ideas: 40K stories
Innovation: 120K stories
Inspiration: 167K stories
Internet of Things: 26K stories
Investing: 128K stories

Journalism: 63K stories

Leadership: 191K stories
LGBTQ: 65K stories
Life: 632K stories
Life Lessons: 531K stories
Love: 416K stories

Mental Health: 263K stories
Movies: 174K stories
Music: 256K stories

NBA: 38K stories

Parenting: 113K stories
Photography: 143K stories
Poetry: 548K stories
Politics: 433K stories

Privacy: 46K stories
Productivity: 213K stories
Psychology: 157K stories

Racism: 67K stories
Reading: 70K stories
Relationships: 273K stories

Satire: 54K stories
Science: 118K stories
Self-driving Cars: 19K stories
Self Improvement: 405K stories
Short Story: 167K stories
Social Media: 271K stories
Space: 31K stories
Sports: 229K stories
Startup: 524K stories
Sustainability: 56K stories

Technology: 426K stories
Television: 76K stories
This Happened To Me: 36K stories
Transportation: 25K stories
Travel: 363K stories

Venture Capital: 66K stories
Virtual Reality: 44K stories

Women in Tech: 33K stories
Writing: 410K stories



Walter Reid

I write for the uplifters, the engagers, and the passionate. My alter egos alter ego.