Following My Nose

Where I’ve been…

New Body
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

So, I got married Jan 2021 in a super small COVID-safe ceremony, started seeing a lovely lesbian therapist(my last one in college ten years earlier was a kind of conversion therapy, yikes). I wanted to be the best husband I could be and reset into this new reality

I told my therapist I wanted to write, so that’s what they told me to do. Now, three years later I’ve written three novels, gotten an agent, and been on submission with my first novel to editors for quite awhile. I am closer to traditional publication(and some substantial form of payment) than I’ve ever been.

I drafted in 2021, revised in 2021/2022, and started querying soon after. I sent out close to 100 queries and got 12 full requests from agents. It mostly led to rejections with a little feedback. I did get one request from an agent to revise(meaning I was close to being accepted as a client), and I completed that. Then I accepted representation in February 2023. A few months later, with a few more revisions, we were out to editors.

Publishing traditionally like this is always a waiting game, but we have had some traction and are hopeful for a sale this year. I have continued to write other projects I hope to go out with as well. My YA novel is my current project(my first novel was for middle-grade readers).

They are very queer and affirming, and I am so glad to have written them. My therapist is a bit gobsmacked, I was just supposed to write little stories and feel better, I guess — but it has become a whole thing now. I am grateful for support I’ve received from The Highlights Foundation and Queer Kidlit Mentorship as well.

I have been going through all my work on Medium and remembering all the support I got here. I will probably begin to write some short form and see what happens. Possibly drop the pen name, but we’ll see.

