Walking Reveals the Map

New Body
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2 min readJul 30, 2021


Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

In some games, to reveal the map, you simply had to walk toward the edge. What looked like the end of the world became a grove of trees or a gold mine. Resources you need to build a city, a fortress, safety. Well, in the last few months, I’ve been living it in my writing life as I learned about publishing so I could professionalize myself and become the author of books I’ve always wanted to be.

In the last five months, I have completed a middle-grade novel about disability and queerness. I have used the first few pages of the manuscript to get scholarships, mentorships, and opportunities I couldn’t take advantage of otherwise. I have never been encouraged in my writing for adults in the same way. I am so excited for this work and the opportunities it may offer for my family and me.

I’m really not sure if I want to continue publishing on Medium or focus on novel-writing more exclusively right now. Still, I have another article in Interstellar Flight Press on August 23 about The Mitchells vs. The Machines. Keep your eyes peeled. I’ll definitely have some downtime over the next few days, so maybe more content will find its way in New Body in the meantime.


