
Some people I need to thank

Paty Gomes
New Business Models for News


This text is part of a comprehensive look at the Brazilian news environment.

This research will not be possible without the contribution of a network of generous people, who backed me in different ways.

First, I thank my advisor, Owen Youngman, who supported my ideas with criticism, enthusiasm, and without whom this final project would not be possible. In his figure I thank the Medill faculty I was lucky to have on my side. I am also grateful for each entrepreneur I have interviewed in this process, for telling me his/her story with passion and confidence.

Additionally, I need to thank Carolina Araújo and Mariana Fonseca not only for having read the originals and for giving me ideas on how to improve them, but also for their immeasurable loyalty and sincere friendship. Carolina Cavaleiro had an enormous patience in explaining me the basics of Illustrator over and over and over and I am trully grateful for that. For James Opiekun I thank his eye for detail in finding my grammar mistakes.

Yet, I am sincerely grateful for Instituto Ling and the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, which gave me the grants that allowed me to be here in the first place.

I also want to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support, for being all the time with me, even if I am more than 5,000 miles away. Finally I want to thank my brother and my sister in law, for giving me the most precious gift I have ever received: a niece.



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