New Capital Community Exchange secures its future with the new European Union regulations

New Capital
New Capital
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2019
New Capital, EU-based incubator

Up till now, EU-based crypto-exchanges have been unregulated. However, from January 2020, based on the 5th AML directive (EU), all crypto-exchanges and custodian wallet providers will have to comply with new stricter requirements, such as AML (anti-money laundering) and KYC (know your customer) procedures for their users. While many in the blockchain community consider any regulations unfavourable, at New Capital we are strongly of the opinion that in order for this industry to be massively accepted and for crypto-assets to become an integral part of our everyday lives, more formal procedures and structures must be in place to protect all participants, including end-users, institutions and service providers.

The announcement of these regulations has already caused a number of smaller crypto-exchanges to inform their users of pending service closures due to their unwillingness to adhere to and bear the costs of full compliance. We see the closing of these crypto-exchanges as an opportunity for those committed exchanges with a large future vision to provide continuity, and to host these projects and their communities.

For New Capital, an EU-based incubator, these regulations do not come as a surprise, and the Community Exchange will be ready to implement the required procedures by January 2020.

Up till now, the Community Exchange has only hosted projects supported by New Capital. We now welcome other projects and their communities to join our vision of building the Internet of Value together.

The CE (Community Exchange) offers significant advantages such as:

  • Sub-satoshi trading feature — beneficial for projects with low coin values
  • Upcoming marketplace for masternode platforms (read more)
  • Free listing
  • No trading fees for trades using $TWINS as a base pair
  • Low trading fees (0.1%) for trades using BTC as a base pair

Listing will be considered for projects that meet our minimum requirement criteria, being:

  • PoS/Masternode project
  • The coin must not be considered to be a security or another financial instrument
  • Public and transparent management team

If you are interested in listing your asset on the Community Exchange, please submit your project here:

Visit the Community Exchange here:

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