Are You Missing the Point About The Shawn Warner Story?

Hint: It’s not about selling books.

Helen Cassidy Page
New Choices


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, you’ve heard about Shawn Warner, author of the young adult murder mystery novel Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor, who shot up to the top of Amazon’s best-seller charts, simply for looking glum while trying to sell some books.

Along came TikTok user Jerrad Swearenjin (@internetfamouslol), who took pity on him and also shot a TikTok video. And well, the rest is marketing history.

I haven’t read Warner’s book because YA–young adult– is not my preferred genre. He secured a publisher when he wrote his book, and I have no doubt he’s a good writer.

Witches and murder are right up my alley, so I like his premise. But no shade on him; I just like my crime sleuthed by those of legal age.

Be that as it may, I’m thrilled for this first-time author’s success. It’s what we all wish for, those of us who toil in the gardens of indie publishing.

But I fear that much of the hype surrounding this success story is tagging a wrong message.

For instance, I received a post by a marketing influencer I trust who referenced it as…



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