Can You Love Someone You’ve Never Met?

Let me tell you about Sean Duffy and Carol Lennox

Helen Cassidy Page
New Choices


Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash

Okay, so Sean Duffy isn’t a real person. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t need grief counseling when I came to the end of Adrian McGinty’s series about the Catholic policeman’s run-ins with the IRA during the ’80s Troubles in Northern Ireland.

And if you think I was just a little too obsessed trying to track down the last two books that the author said, ahem, he’d finally finished writing, well, that’s your problem.

As for the missing books?

Yeah, if you believe he finished them, I have a few tall buildings that have gone vacant since the pandemic I can sell you cheap. I’ve got the deeds right here in my breast pocket if you’ll just keep an eye out for the cops.

Okay, I have the last of the Sean Duffy series on order on Amazon, but I’ll believe McGinty wrote them when I have them in my cold, dead hands. He’s probably too busy spending his cash from the garbage he wrote to please the Yanks to worry about his true believers, but that’s another story for another day.

Sean, me boy, ye’ll always be me one and only.

I’ll still need help believing there’s a god if he could be so cruel as to take that lad…



Helen Cassidy Page
New Choices

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: