I Lost Michael Jordan Signed Memorabilia I Was Saving for My Son’s Future

He was planning to use the proceeds to fund his dreams.

Carol Lennox
New Choices
Published in
7 min readOct 7, 2020


Photo of Blake Scott, by his Mimi, Betty Joy. From author’s collection.

We vigilantly protected the memorabilia my son collected at the Michael Jordan basketball camp, Flight School, for ten years after the last camp he attended. We carried it back from California to Texas each year. He would carry it in a bag which never left his hand, and I would keep an eye on him and it the entire trip. I stored it at home, and took it with us through selling our house, and two moves.

We had a signed basketball, signed photo, two signed posters, and a signed book. These were after we sold a couple of the first items to pay for subsequent camps. I wrote about how pitiful I was about that in this article, as well as how determined my son is about achieving his dreams.

We still have the signed basketball, book and one of the posters. Unfortunately, a poster and photo, and the affidavit of authenticity for the basketball were…



Carol Lennox
New Choices

Psychotherapist sharing new choices. Leans far Left. Mindfulness practitioner before it was cool. LPC, M.Ed. Helping you make a difference every day