Thank God There’s No Such Thing As Miracles

Hands-off is the way to go

John Werth
New Choices
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2023


With apologies to Albert. | Photo by cooperr via Shutterstock

Einstein once said God “does not play dice (with the universe).” At the risk of arguing with the gold standard in intelligence, I disagree. If believing in a Grand Plan makes you happy, knock yourself out.

But not believe believe, right? I mean, c’mon. And for heaven’s sake, don’t try to prove it.

We’re pattern-seeking animals

In a recent professional football game, a player died and was revived on the field. The next week, his team scored a touchdown on the very first play! Wow!

Adding to the fire, the number three (the injured player’s uniform number) figured in various ways throughout the game. Players, coaches, pundits, and even the announcers live on air whooped and hollered that it was…proof of God’s existence.

Wait, what?

Coincidences happen

Did you ever share a birthday with a school classmate? It’s unlikely — the probability for you and a particular person is one in 365, less than 0.3%*. Wow!

On the other hand, most of us had hundreds of fellow students over our school careers, so you likely shared a birthday with at…



John Werth
New Choices

Musician and conductor, repairer of woodwinds, owner of dogs, band director, lapsed mathematician, and scribbler of thoughts on humor, politics or both at once.