A Message to Born-Again Christians: Share Your Testimony!

Charlotte Allan
New Creation
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2023

Don’t be afraid to tell your story — it might save someone’s life.

Photo of Author giving her testimony (at baptism)

After listening to Kat Von D’s testimony on Allie Beth Stuckey’s Relatable podcast about how she renounced witchcraft for Jesus, I thought straight away about how many people worldwide will be saved through listening to her personal journey, and as a result, leading unbelievers to Christ.

Kat Von D isn’t the only public figure who in recent years has become a ‘high-profile’ born-again Christian, other famous converts include Blac Chyna (real name Angela White) who gave up her career as a porn star, had demonic tattoos removed and reversed plastic surgery. Since her baptism, Blac Chyna received her Doctoral degree in Religious Liberal Arts.

Although it helps that celebrities like these have large followers to listen to their testimonies, please don’t let that put you off from sharing your own. Even if you tell just one person who doesn’t know Jesus, about how He saved your life, I promise you it will be worth it.

“If we had to preach to thousands year after year, and never rescued but one soul, that one soul would be a full reward for all our labour, for a soul is a countless price.” — Charles H. Spurgeon

I know firsthand how vulnerable it feels to share your testimony. Like Kat Von D, many of my new-age practices included witchcraft and I had some fear about how people would respond. Those fears turned out to be invalid as I’ve received nothing but support and encouragement, even from non-christians who have seen the incredible ways in which Jesus has transformed me.

If you don’t feel comfortable preaching the gospels, then simply talk about how Jesus has changed you. Give a personal account of what he has done for your life. This will soften people’s hearts and invite curiosity to know Jesus for themselves.

One of my biggest regrets is not talking about Jesus with my dying grandad. He passed away the year before my baptism and as a new Christian, I was afraid of how my grandad would respond — I didn’t want to cause him any more stress or discomfort as he lay in the hospital bed, waiting to die.

When Palliative care offered for a priest to visit and pray over him, my grandad refused. I took this to mean that he didn’t want to know Jesus, but I hadn’t even talked about what Jesus had done for me. He knew I was a Christian but never showed an interest in why, so I just assumed he didn’t want to know. I look back on that with so much sorrow. I prayed continuously over my grandad before his death, I prayed that Jesus would reveal himself but I knew even then that I had the perfect opportunity to give my personal account of how Jesus saves.

When my grandad died, all I could do was pray that he made it to heaven and the guilt I felt for shying away from potentially saving his soul, still lives with me today.

Talking about Jesus to non-believers can be daunting, but if we’re to be good disciples, we need to give up our own way, pick up our cross and follow Him (Matt 16:24.) If in the process of sharing our personal testimonies, we can help save just one soul, the risk of discomfort and humiliation will be so worth it.

Online platforms like Medium, YouTube and social media make it so easy to share anything. Considering the most important thing we can do as Christians is to lead others to Jesus, we cannot afford to remain silent.

Thank you for reading :-)

