A Story of How Prayer Works

A woman shared with us at church this morning

Órla K.
New Creation
2 min readAug 20, 2023


Image by Simon Lemhofer on Unsplash

This morning I attended a nice Methodist church in Exeter. I am not a Methodist, but I always enjoy a visit to a Methodist church.

In Cardiff, I also visited a Methodist church. It was a much smaller congregation, but the welcome was the same.

I find the Methodists to be very kind and welcoming.

When I arrived this morning, the lady at the door said, “Are you visiting?” I said, “Yes, I am.”

Anxiously, she shared that the service was going to be a bit different and went on to explain that there were tables laid out in the church and I would have to join one of them.

I had no problem with that. I joined a table and had a wonderful morning. In groups, we discussed two topic, Worship and Prayer.

We were to complete the following sentences:

  • We worship because…
  • We pray because…

The leader gave us sheets of paper with scriptures and quotes to prompt us.

It was great fun and I learned a lot.

The story I want to share with you came up in my group as we were discussing prayer and how it works.

We all agreed that we didn’t know how prayer works, but that it does indeed work.

One woman in the group, who is a teacher, told us the story of one of her students.

It went like this…

The young man noticed how an elderly woman who lived on his street had no one to mow her lawn or trim the hedges in her garden.

He felt bad for her, so he started to pray.

He prayed that God would send someone to do her garden. After praying for some time, he noticed that nothing happened.

He was disappointed that God had not answered his prayers, but continued to pray anyhow.

Still, nothing happened. God did not send anyone.

The teacher said to the boy, “So, what happened to the old woman and her garden?”

He replied: “Oh, I just did it myself!

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

We never know how God is going to answer our prayers.



Órla K.
New Creation

Learn about mental, emotional, and spiritual heath. Top writer in Travel. Christian Life Coach/Substack: https://orlakenny.substack.com/