Anything Is Possible In Life

We serve a God with whom nothing is impossible nor difficult (Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:17 & 27). The Master Jesus also told us in the Scripture that ALL things are possible to him who believes.

Dami Lare
New Creation
3 min readMay 21, 2022


Photo by Adam Thomas on Unsplash

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23 KJV)

Throughout Scripture, we see so many examples of seemingly impossible situations that became possible by the power of God. The Red Sea parted into two for the Israelites to pass through, the fortified walls of Jericho crumbled as the people shouted, Mary the mother of Jesus conceived without meeting a man, five thousand plus people were fed with just five loaves of bread and two fishes, Lazarus who was dead and had been in the grave for four days came back to life; all by the power of God.

In our contemporary times, I once heard a testimony in the Church of a woman who had her womb and other major reproductive organs in her body removed by surgery because of a medical condition she had; and she still conceived and gave birth to a child, by the power of God.

A man recently shared a testimony in the church of how he was miraculously delivered from premature death. He was shot in the stomach, and his intestines were out for about eight hours before he could get medical attention; and yet he still survived.

Please I want you to delete every trace of IMPOSSIBILITY from your mind as anything at all is possible in this life, as long as God is involved and as long as you believe and do the needful/necessary.

Certain things may appear humanly impossible, but with God, it is very much possible. In Luke 18:27, the Master Jesus said “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God”.

(1)- Never lose hope nor give up concerning anything in life. It may seem humanly impossible, but with God, it is very much possible.

(2)- Always see possibility amid every impossibility. Learn to be positivistic and enthusiastic always, and not negativistic or pessimistic. Always maintain a possibility mindset as what is not possible in your mind may never become possible in your life. All things are only possible to those who believe.

(3)- Learn to always pray and involve God in any seeming impossible situations of life. Once God is or gets involved, anything is still possible, no matter how late it seems or how bad it seems to be.

(4)- Learn to always put in your best and do all that you need to do to see desired results. It is only when you have done the BEST you know and ought to do that you should leave the REST to God. Hard work, diligence, persistence, and consistency are usually critical for seeing certain possibilities in life.



Dami Lare
New Creation

I'm a voracious reader and a passionate writer who enjoys sharing for the goal of personal development.