Christ In The Old Testament: NEHEMIAH


Oludare E. Mustapha (D. T. R.)
New Creation
2 min readOct 12, 2023


Photo by Sergio Rodriguez - Portugues del Olmo on Unsplash

In the ancient world, a city without walls was defenseless against its enemies.

Jerusalem's restoration of its walls was a testament to divine favor, providing a degree of security to its inhabitants.


God’s continuous involvement in the lives of His people is evident throughout history. He operates through rulers, appointing righteous leaders like Ezra and Nehemiah to fulfill His plans. God remains unchanging, desiring a covenant relationship with Israel, as He revealed Himself at Mount Sinai around 1446 BC (Exodus 19; Nehemiah 10:29).

Nehemiah illustrates the divide between those who oppose God’s purposes and those who align with them. The book emphasizes the requirement for God’s redeemed people to live distinctively, guided by His holiness, in contrast to the surrounding pagans. Although Ezra and Nehemiah served different roles, both exemplify individuals wholeheartedly dedicated to God and instrumental in advancing His kingdom (Ezra 7:10).


Key Themes: Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, reestablishing life under Mosaic law.

Timeline: From Nehemiah's prayer for Israel to his second term as governor (approximately 446 - 430 BC).

Artaxerxes I ruled Persia from 465 to 424 BC, coinciding with the events in the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah’s initial term as Judah’s governor spanned 12 years (from the 20th to the 32nd year of Artaxerxes, 445 - 433 BC).

"Moreover, from the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when I was appointed to be their governor in the land of Judah, until his thirty-second year—twelve years—neither I nor my brothers ate the food allotted to the governor." (Nehemiah 5:14, NIV)

The duration of Nehemiah’s absence from Judah, when he returned to Artaxerxes' service, remains uncertain (Nehemiah 13:6-7). His second term as governor likely commenced around 431 BC with an unknown duration.


Author: Unknown, possibly Ezra.

Date of writing: Around 430 BC.

First Audience and Destination: Israelites in Jerusalem following their return from exile.


Under Nehemiah’s guidance, God empowered the Israelites to rebuild and dedicate Jerusalem’s walls while renewing their commitment to God as His covenant people.


Nehemiah played a pivotal role in restoring God’s people from Babylon to Jerusalem, much like Jesus' call for unwavering allegiance to the work at hand. Jesus declared,

"Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" (Luke 11:23, NIV)

emphasizing the importance of wholehearted dedication to God’s mission. Nehemiah’s leadership parallels this commitment, aligning with Jesus' call for unity in God’s work.

