Feeling, Faith, And Fact

The poem that drives it home!

Cheryl Watson
New Creation
2 min readJul 19, 2023


Author Unknown

Three men were walking on a wall,
Feeling, Faith, and Fact,
When Feeling got an awful fall,
And Faith was taken back.

So close was Faith to Feeling,
He stumbled and fell too,
But Fact remained,
And pulled Faith back
And Faith brought feeling too.

~Author Unknown

I love that poem!

So many of us fall when we let our emotions lead our thinking. It is one of those old vicious cycles.

Unrenewed thought patterns influence our emotions and feelings and then our behavior, then the fall.

The Fact in this poem is Jesus. He saved us through our Faith by Grace, and our feelings followed.

Another Fact: Now that we are saved, we ARE new creations. We still stumble, but the Fact of the matter is this:

God saved you by His Grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. Ephesians 2: 8,9(NLT)

When we are not focusing on the things above, we may accept thoughts from the devil and then end up feeling doubtful, and our Natural automatic habit is to do something to satisfy that space of uneasiness. That is Dad’s place now. Jesus did it all for all time! *A little secret-I struggle with this a lot. Stumbles and falls. The Fact, Jesus, tells me I shall live by Faith, I agree, and my feelings follow.

When we put the kingdom first, by getting into the right relationship with God through Jesus, He will add what we need. Sometimes we must remember to look up, or —next thing you know, a fall. Jesus is still with us.

You couldn’t do anything to get salvation, and you can’t do anything to lose it.

Have a hard time believing this? Talk to Dad.

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Cheryl Watson
New Creation

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.