From New Age to Jesus: My Testimony

Charlotte Allan
New Creation
Published in
6 min readJul 24, 2023


How I left the false new age deception for Jesus

Photo by Samuel McGarriggle at Unsplash

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For 10 years I was heavily involved in the new age movement practicing anything that falls under the term of ‘trendy spirituality’ from kundalini meditation and yoga, law of attraction, tarot cards, chakra and energy healing, astrology, manifesting with crystals and other pagan based rituals. This is my testimony of how I left the false new age deception for Jesus.

My personal journey into spirituality began in my early twenties when I attended a clairvoyant evening at a spiritualist church with my mum. I had a very profound experience where the medium who was on stage that night gave me a message from a dead person of whom I’d never met and knew nothing of, and my role in this was to pass on the message to someone that I knew.

I was given very specific details about the deceased, along with the name of the living person in which I had to inform. I later found out through delivering that message, that the information I was given was accurate. This completely blew my mind and made me even more curious about the afterlife, so I joined the weekly open circle sessions at the spiritualist church. The open circle was led by two mediums who taught us how to open our chakras, develop our…

