What Does The Bible Say

God helps those who help themselves — is a lie

“Eternal security is based on God’s Word — Not Benjamin Franklin’s word”

Dennis Hester
New Creation
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2022


“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life…” (I John 5:13, NKJV)

Christ Crucified (1632) by Diego Velázquez — Public Domain

“God helps those who help themselves,” sounds like a phrase that is quoted straight from the Holy Scripture. As people recite this quote they often do so as if they were speaking like an old prophet with vigor and much authority. They sometimes use this quote as they are standing tall, over someone who is less than motivated, or who has lost their way in life. They quote this phrase, like the crack of a whip, as if to say, “If you want any divine help from The Almighty motivator, you had better work and do your part.”

Is it true, that If you want God to help you — you had better do your part?

I agree we are to be responsible for ourselves, and it takes responsible action on our part even to turn to God, but I am afraid this quote is often used inaccurately.

There are several problems with thinking that if we don’t make the first move toward God, we will never get to know Him, nor His…



Dennis Hester
New Creation

Life-coach, counselor, consultant, minister helping you overcome hurdles in relationships, grief, conflict, poor communication and navigating painful changes.