I The Lord of Sea and Sky

Faith which produces works

Corine Hilda
New Creation


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Orla K. tagged me in this challenge a while ago and I’ve finally managed to get it done! The idea is to share one of your favourite faith songs, so I’ve decided to reflect on 'I The Lord of Sea and Sky,' which was written by Dan Schutte in 1979.

'I The Lord of Sea and Sky' is a song that sums up both our dependence on God, and our responsibility to act out our faith.

There can be a tendency among conservative Christian circles to over-emphasise our need for God. In an effort to remind us that He controls all things, they can negate talking about our own personal response.

Now, I’m not going to get into the whole Calvinism vs. Arminianism debate. That just leads down the rabbit-hole of free will, total depravity, and predestination. That’s not a rabbit-hole we’ll be following in this article, but if you have any relevant thoughts please let me know in the comments!

At the end of the day, all Christians hold two simultaneous truths in their hands: God is sovereign, and humans are personally responsible for their sin.

I think this song celebrates these two truths beautifully.

God is sovereign

1) God hears our cries

